The starting salary for a graduate with a Master’s in Social Work (MSW) or a Master of Social Work: Advanced degree can vary based on geographical location. The median yearly salary for a new MSW graduate is $39,000, which leaves the possibility of earning more than that amount, given the entry-level salary of $39,000 is the national average.
The Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) is a graduate degree that prepares individuals to enter the field of social work. For those who hold a bachelor’s degree in another field and are looking to grow and expand their career possibilities, the MSW program is an attractive option. Students completing this master’s program are prepared to assume leadership roles in public, private and non-profit social agenciesgraduates
Average starting salary for msw graduates
The average starting salary for a msw graduate is $43,500.
After an initial lull, we’re finally starting to see salaries rise in the US. I don’t think it’s just coincidence that this is occurring while there is a consistent demand for msw graduates and an emerging emphasis on preventative care, but the market is strongly indicating that salaries are rising.
A professional, seemingly-biased source says that the average msw graduate earns $11.12 per hour (it doesn’t say in the article how much time respondents had worked in the field to be considered an ‘average’ grad). It also says that undergrads looking into the field can expect to earn about $15.00 per hour right out of college. Note that it’s easy to apply these figures to your own situation: if you’re considering an MPA degree, divide more than double the salaries by two, and you’ll get around what you can expect to earn with a grad degree.
The median starting salary for a Master of Social Work (MSW) graduate in the United States is $44,078. This can vary based on a number of factors, such as the level of past experience and location.
From this survey, it looks like the average starting salary for graduates of master’s social work programs was about $42,000 in 2017. For comparison, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the average social worker salary was $51,980. Overall, an entry-level social worker salary in 2017 was higher than average, which makes sense given the highly specialized skills required to become a social worker and enter a high demand field.
Because the focus of this article is on what you can expect to make with a Master of Social Work degree, it would be counterproductive and unfair to compare the education you’ll receive in an MSW program to that of a traditional non-masters level program. You’ll learn more useful skills, have better access to employment opportunities, and leave your program with a higher salary compared to that of your peers with a BA or BS. It’s worth the investment into your future.