Average starting salary for communications major

Have you ever wondered what the average starting salary was for a communications major? How much do they make when they graduate, and how competitive of a job can they get? I think we’ve all speculated about how much money we could earn after college, but instead of just wondering, let’s crunch some numbers together and see what we can come up with.

Communication majors earn an average salary of $52,700 during the first year out of school. Although this is about $4,100 more than the average starting salary for all grads ($47,633), it’s important to note that the median salary for communication majors is far less than their non-majors counterparts, which leave these degree holders open to a considerable gap in pay.

Average starting salary for communications major

The average starting salary for communications majors lies in the low to mid 20k range, but that may not be enough such that a prospective communications student would want to forgo their other graduate or professional opportunities.

The college major that offers the highest starting salaries upon graduation is nursing, with communications coming in at a close second.

Graphic, Web and Integrated Communications majors earn a $44,300 Bachelor’s degree upon graduation, with the potential to earn a Master’s and up to $80,000 after gaining experience. This is one of the most unique majors available today because of its broad range of career possibilities that cannot be predicted upon entering college. The average salary after graduation is $45,600 annually, with little to no differentiation between graphic designers and copywriters in entry level positions.

The history behind communications, and what the future holds for this field.

The talent shortage in the open jobs for digital marketing professionals may be justified, given the demand for well-qualified professionals to fill open positions. No doubt the skills of creatives are in high demand as more companies rely on innovative and exciting advertising campaigns to lure target audiences.

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