The average starting salary for architecture graduates can be between $36,000 to $48,000 per year ($3,000 to $5,000 per month). That’s a pretty comprehensive range, ehh? So how much can you earn when you graduate from architecture school? It really depends on what type of architectural job you find! Here’s a quick guide with the average starting salaries for different architectural positions.
I enjoy looking at Architecture school websites every once in a while. They always have interesting stories, information and photos. One of the things I noticed is that they often have a section that describes the starting salary for an architecture graduate. I thought it would be fun to put together an image showing all of these listed earning figures.
Average starting salary for architecture graduates
It’s no surprise that architecture graduates have such a high starting salary. After all, the demand for qualified architects has only been rising, and the supply of new graduates remains low. It’s also true that an architecture degree gives a graduate a number of benefits both inside and outside of the workplace. Maybe they can be used to get internships or even jobs with higher starting salaries, or maybe they will have a better shot at getting an investment banking job after graduation. These are just some examples, and there are plenty more. So don’t be surprised if you start seeing more architecture students attending school than ever before.
if you’re considering an architecture degree, the data we’ve compiled should give you an idea of what your salary likely will be after graduating. However, results may vary depending on the institution you choose to attend and the structure of any scholarships available. Do your research before deciding which school is right for you.
It is important to note that the field of architecture has a diversified market, making certain cities more lucrative than others. The best starting salary for architecture school would therefore be linked to the location and/or industry you are in.
Given the diversity of questions provided in the survey, I summed up all of them into three main headings: “starting salary”, “industry trends”, and “what graduates would change”. For the sake of simplicity, I’ve summarized the data together with their average values. Remember that these results are based on responses from only 60 out of over 230 schools in the US – so perhaps this is a good topic for you to do a more in-depth study on.