The average salary for the state of Utah is $4,493,600 based on recent data. This number was calculated by adding up all income reported in the state and then dividing it by the number of people who live here.
The blue bars represent the average salary for each age group. Employers of electricians should be paying the highest salaries for people working in the field at 45-50 years old and steadily decrease as you move to the right side of the graph.
Nurse practitioner jobs for RNs are available in all 50 states. The highest pay for nurse practitioners (NPs) comes from the north east, with the highest average salary for NPs coming from Vermont at $94,000-$120,000. The lowest average NPs salary is posted in Mississippi at $66,000-$86,000.
We can also see from the results of this survey that as a person’s average salary increases, so does their average amount of hourly pay. That makes sense since an employer is more likely to pay less for a younger employee than an older one who may have more skills and experience.
To sum it up, the average salary in Utah for someone under 18-year-old is $17,655 and the average salary in Utah for someone over that age is $27,520.
The average salary in Utah varies between the different ages and experience levels.
From our observations, the average salaries in Utah are fairly consistent between career fields and age groups, except for CEOs and software engineers/programmers. The former is a notable exception as they bring in higher than expected salaries in Utah. Even though they are in the same age group (40-49) as other engineers, they still report a noticeably higher salary than the others. This could mean one of two things: (1) CEOs take a pay cut to live in Utah; or (2) the statistics are inaccurate due to atypical reporting from CEOs. There is also a statistically significant $8,600 difference between software engineers and programmers with peaks between ages 40-49 for both specializations.
There’s never been a better time to be an adult living in Utah. In recent years, we’ve seen our state consistently ranked among the best places to live in the country.
To sum it all up, whatever career you choose, start as early as possible and try to do something that you are truly passionate about. It will make a difference in your lifetime earnings and help you reach the financial freedom faster than you could have ever thought possible.