California is a huge state, and southern California covers a diverse range of areas within the state. Whether you’re thinking of moving to Los Angeles, San Diego or further into the desert, it’s important to know how much your potential new salary will be. To help you find out, read on to get information about average salaries in all areas of south California .
The table below details the average salary in Southern California. The numbers were obtained from the Labor & Employment statistics office in each state. To be specific, it is the average salary per year for full-time jobs lasting at least one year, for the period starting January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2017 .
Average salary in southern california
The average salary in Southern California is $44,670.00.
With that being said, it is fair to say that a general look at salary information in Southern California will likely paint a picture of average incomes similar to that of the rest of the country. Of course, as with anywhere else, there are potential outliers who make significantly more or less than their peers, but generally speaking your financial security and happiness when you move to Southern California will largely be dependent on your own personal circumstances more than any other factor.
We hope you’ve found this guide beneficial as you benchmark salaries for yourself or your employees. It is important to remember that this guide is not inclusive of every single company in Southern California, so make sure to research further if the company you are considering working with isn’t listed here. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments and we will be happy to answer them!
So let’s get started. As you might have expected the tech capital of the world San Francisco pays the most followed by Los Angeles, New York and Seattle which should come as no surprise that they pay a wage higher than the national average. Of course major metropolitan areas like San Francisco and Los Angeles are going to have a higher-paid job market because of their size, but we can also see that many other cities in California follow behind so how much of an impact does being comfortable in your surroundings have on your paycheck? Perhaps it’s not just a city thing after all.
In conclusion, it is important for historians to carefully research their objects of study prior to creating a work that reflects their findings. It is through in-depth historical research that the facts from each viewpoint can be integrated into a detailed representation of the historical event.