The average salary in the San Francisco Bay Area is 75,000. With an estimated 5,300,000 people living within the metropolitan area, that means that the average salary per person is $12,200. So if your company is considering relocating to another state or to a new country but unsure about what to expect in terms of salaries and costs of moving abroad, don’t worry because now you have found the definitive source for statistical data about the cost of living internationally.
The San Francisco Bay Area, covering the nine counties of Northern California, is home to some of the most exciting and well-paid technology jobs in the country. To give you an idea of what you can look forward to as a developer, we’ve put together a list of average salaries for technology jobs in the region.
Average salary in san francisco bay area
According to the salary for a web designer in San Francisco is $53,821.00, which is much higher than other cities across the country. Web designing is considered as one of the most lucrative fields and the competitions are high due to a less supply of specialized developers meaning that those who are talented and skilled are awarded generously.
The average salary for a creative director in San Francisco is $109,445. The position of creative director requires many years of experience and expertise, making it difficult for entry level employees to find this job in the first place. To start off as a junior designer in SF will cost a designer around 50k-60k per year depending on the employee’s skills. This is what we refer to as “The Price of Coming in Late.” In addition, the cost of rent and education are also high. It ends up costing 140k-180k per year to live and work in San Francisco as young employee.
In this article, we look at software design companies in San Francisco, specifically those with more than 20 employees. We also looked at those who have offices in the Bay Area, but their headquarters are somewhere else. Ultimately, when determining salary comparison, we looked at a threshold of 15 employees as well. This line gets blurry when comparing companies around 50-60 employees (which was several salaries we found after a bit of research).
As you can see, a designer can make a pretty decent living in San Francisco. But as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are also a few other factors to consider when determining where to live and work as a designer. It’s important to take into account variables like your career goals, family situation, and housing options so that your decision to move for work ends up being the right one for you.