The average salary in Russia is quite low and much lower than most of the countries in the world. On average, a Russian worker makes 5,763 rubles per month, which amounts to 80.08% of the current minimum monthly wage in Russia. With this article we will find out what are the reasons for such a low salary in Russian Federation, why are employers not paying their workers well?
The average salary in Russia is the amount of money earned by the average worker per year. The average salary in Russia is estimated between $200 and $1640, however, this number varies greatly due to the extreme poverty or prosperity of certain areas of the country.
Average salary in russia usd
The average salary in Russia is about $700 per month for the Russians. Not much money is left after taxes and salaries for healthcare, rents and services are paid. The minimum wage is set at around $120, but few people can actually survive with just this.
Your level of education in Russia is usually directly tied to your salary in the country. A high qualification equals a large salary, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And while it holds true for most people, there are also exceptions to the rule that you should be aware of before making any decisions.
That’s not, however, the whole story. A more realistic explanation of Russian salaries is a complex and often confusing picture. Let’s break it down into a few manageable sections:
In order to work in Russia, a foreign citizen will have to apply for a work permit. The following professions are subject to quotas that may prohibit issuing work permits: several highly skilled professions, such as scientists and doctors, as well as plumbers, welders and carpenters; positions at state institutions related to national security and defense; positions requiring the possession of classified information.