Average salary in oregon by age

According to Payscale, the average salary in Oregon is $36,678. That number factors in all jobs and all ages. The average salary is higher if you’re under 30 years old, closer to $35k. The older you get, the higher your income will be. A millennial (aged 18 – 34) will make a bit less than that — closer to $33k, but this varies based on experience and quality of work. By the time you get to your 60s, your Average Annual Pay will increase again to about $40k, but with around 20 years of experience under your belt.

The infographic below is centered around the average salary in Oregon by age. It is based on a research survey of over 2,000 renters conducted in December 2011 by RentLinx to compare the cost of living in various parts of the U.S.

Average salary in oregon by age

Please find attached spreadsheet with the current definitive statistics of average salary in Oregon by age, sex & education. If you have any questions, we are here for you.

These types of charts are often helpful for many people. By using a graph, a more general picture of the data can be seen by the people reading it. This is what the reader will want to pay attention to, rather than going in depth into each and every number. The graph itself shows this change in median wage throughout various ages. Those who are younger are typically paid less money, with the exception being when they get into their early 30’s. After this point there is a gradual increase in amount earned until you hit your 50’s where you finally hit the highest bracket, where you will continue to earn that amount for as long as you have a job. While you may have noticed all of these things instantly upon viewing the graph, I would still advise viewing the full data table so you can see anything that may have been missed on first glance.

Generally, the salary for a person with a bachelor’s degree or higher is going to be higher than a worker with an associate’s degree. This is shown in the graph by the slight increases of “Average Salary” with college classes.

The minimum wage varies from state to state, as does the specific set of occupations that it applies to. However, in all cases an employer has the option of progressing above the respective minimum wage status. For example, a teenager working at McDonald’s or a fast food joint is likely earning a minimum wage salary. The same goes for janitors, busboys, and yes even baristas in some states. The good news is that anyone earning a salary can apply for one of these loans regardless of their minimum wage status. It’s important to note the salary required to qualify for such loans; since not everyone can work their way up to $9 or $10 per hour in their occupation.

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