A cost of living calculator for Ohio compared to the rest of the United States, as well as to the national average. Currently, according to PayScale Inc., the cost of living in Ohio is 5 percent less than average. But how much does that translate when considering a single person? Below is a table displaying average salary in ohio for single person.
The average yearly salary in Ohio is $50,513. This figure is based on an hourly wage of $25.08 and monthly projected hours of 266 hours. The hourly wage is calculated by dividing the total annual income by 2080 hours. The monthly projected hours are based on a 40 hour work week and 12 paid holidays per year.
Average salary in ohio for single person
The average salary in Ohio for a single person is $914
The average salary in Ohio for a single person is $30,433 + $5,000 living costs.
These positions can be very challenging for even high-level professionals and a great learning experience for those who work in catering. Jobs in this category have extremely long lists of typical job duties, many of which are standard in all jobs, like showing up on time and performing good work. While this may seem like an easy list to complete each day, there is one enormous caveat: almost every person who holds a position in one of these industries is self-employed, meaning that the worker needs to have their own contract and supplies, including food, tables and chairs. The food service industry is sure to boom with the expected increase in population over the next 25 years and jobs will be abundant as restaurants become more popular. These jobs pay very well with low education requirements; however they are often difficult to obtain as they are often done through word of mouth or referral only.
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