Average salary in greece

The labor cost in Greece averages at about €13.00 per hour and the average yearly cost of living for an individual as of 2010 stands at around €10,800. Rest assured that Greece is a great place to earn your fortune and Greek people are known to be very friendly and hospitable, making it easy for you to settle there.

Greeks are among the worst paid in Europe. The average take home salary is around 700 euros (1100$) per month. This is the bare minimum needed to survive, and this amount leaves no money over for non-essential items.

Average salary in greece

Greece is a country with a great holiday tradition. Even though it is small, surrounded by the Mediterranean sea and many tourists visit this country every year. There are a lot of historical sites to see in Greece, so it attracts people from around the world trying to learn about the attractions in this country. The article gives an average salary for a designer and for the other professions in Greece. That fact that there are not many websites about Greek salaries shows how professionals usually choose this country for their holidays or short trips because of its price-performance ratio. The salaries listed here are also on the lower side, which simply shows that this economy has not yet recovered from the crisis. It isn’t surprising since Greece has gone through many economic hardships in recent years. If you want to earn big money somewhere you can try other countries such as Germany or United Kingdom where things are more stable and the salaries are higher than in Greece.

The salary in Greece is much lower than in other European countries. Still, living standards are decent and there is plenty of room for daily improvements. For example, many jobs offer bonuses, which means that an employee may earn more than the average salary.

The country of Greece is beautiful, but it is also a difficult country to live in. Most salaries are well below the standard of living for someone from an industrialized country. Incomes are relatively low and just about everything costs more there than any place else in Europe.

At their best, freelancers for web design and various writing projects are a fantastic resource for companies; at their worst, they are an expensive waste of money. If you’re someone who’s interested in freelancing, there are a number of things to take into consideration before making your decision.

It is fantastic to consider the potential of your own design skill, but you must remain realistic about your potential income.

Testing is a super useful way to weed out potentially poor freelancers. When new freelancers apply for your gigs, you should have them all do a little test project first. This will help you see which freelancers are worth hiring, and which ones aren’t. And in the end, this is what will give you higher quality results and save you time in the long run.

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