According to the Payscale website, the average salary of an employee at Goldman Sachs is $28,000. This estimation was based on anonymous answers given by 1,421 employees and users registered on the Payscale website, who said they worked in Goldman Sachs.
The average salary at Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is $226K per year, but there will be a wide range in this figure based on factors like location and seniority.
Average salary in goldman sachs
Goldman Sachs is a global investment banking and securities firm and has a long standing history in the market, as well as a successful future ahead of it.
If you’re already working in the industry, you probably already have a good feel for how much money your job pays. If not, simply use Glassdoor’s free salary reporting tool, which you’ll find right below your profile when you add or edit a current or former job. In addition to numbers that reveal what the average person in that job makes in a year, this information can also be helpful in planning: perhaps you want to ask for a raise next year.
The junior bankers in the leveraged finance team typically get paid approximately $60,000 in the first year while more senior bankers get around $70,000 to $90,000 in the first year. Note that the compensation stated above is just an average and it would be hard to draw any definitive conclusions from such a small sample size.
When it comes to making a splash after landing a new job, many people can be tempted to go over-the-top with spending on luxury items like cars, homes and clothes. Yet, for an investment that offers more bang for your buck, your best bet may well be in your 401k.
Probably the best way to ensure that you get paid on time is to simply never take a job where late payments are an issue. That’s why you should try to build long-lasting business relationships (not just client relationships) with people and companies that value what you do—because if they don’t, then you can’t reasonably expect them to pay for it. Furthermore, if you have multiple clients in the same industry, have some of your income coming from repeat business, and/or can charge more than your average competition, then late payments become less of a possibility since the incentive is less tangible.