While it is true that the average salary in finance depends on the level of one’s experience, there are a great many other aspects of working in finance which you should be aware of.
Salaries in the financial industry vary widely. You’ll find some people struggling to make ends meet while others are doing extremely well. Knowing average salaries in finance can help you plan your career and estimate how much to ask for your salary.
Average salary in finance
To wrap up, we’ll take a look at five of the most popular job titles in finance and what the average salary is for each. Analysts earned around $61,000 in 2016, and that’s likely to grow somewhat. A financial analyst needs to have two-years’ experience before being considered by employers.
So there you have it: everything you need to know about the average finance intern salary, including PPP adjustments. To sum up, the average US salary for a finance intern is $4,600 per month.
Here’s a list of some common industry jobs, and the salary ranges associated with them. The important thing to note here is that your exact salary will vary depending on where you’re working (e.g. a small local bank vs a big US bank), what your title is, the specific duties you have, etc. But this should give you a pretty good idea about the range of salaries in this industry, and which positions typically pay more than others.
Experienced business development representatives, marketers and technical specialists in the financial sector are earning $60,000 a year. A relatively low earning is $40,000 annually. A part-time job may give you approximately $30,000 a year.
As you may have noticed, different industries often require vastly different salaries. According to the chart above, the average salary for a fashion designer was $44,600 which was relatively lower than that of a journalist’s ($51,530).
The senior investment banker with the lowest pay is in New York City where he makes 35.7 million dollars.