Average salary in chicago by age

Struggling to find out what the average salary is in Chicago? If you live in Chicago and want to know what it’s like to work there then this article will be beneficial for you. I’ll be going over information on the average salary by age, gender, race, and place of birth. This article will cover all areas of income data including hourly, weekly, annual and by occupation type.

In Chicago, the average salary for an individual age 35 to 44 is $62,979. This average spans across all ethnicities and races. Much like what was seen in the previous post on demographic data , younger workers earn less money than their older counterparts. In fact, the 18-24 age group earns only $23,197 annually at an average. The 35-44 age group earns much more at an average annual salary of $62,979.

Average salary in chicago by age

Average Salary in Chicago by Age Industry Average Salary Advertising $55,554 Aerospace & Defense $53,676 Business Services $70,193 Construction $47,684 Consumer Goods $65,552 Healthcare $73,874 Information Technology $71,163 Misc Business $76,495 Professional & Business Services $79,027 Retail Trade $40,489 Manufacturing $56,905 Wholesale Trade $59,718

If you are looking for a job in the graphic design field, Chicago is one of the best cities to do so. In fact, there are over 10,000 jobs in the city of Chicago alone. From entry level to professional positions you will definitely find something that will work for you. Although graphic designers make an average salary this still might not be enough to live in the city itself. Many people tend to move outside of the city for more affordable living situations.

A common question about careers is how much money you will make in a certain field. This article provides that information as well as the job outlook for both Chicago and Illinois as a whole. The graphic included explains trends in demand for the major areas of employment listed below and includes some projections for 2030.

If you look at the graph, you will notice that there are some clear patterns in people’s pay rates. One of the most obvious trends is a general increase in income as people get older. This isn’t strange considering that people are more experienced and can potentially receive better jobs as they get older. However, this trend doesn’t hold up for everyone. While many do see their wages increase with age, there is one small peak within this data set. It would seem that this peak is composed of people between the ages of 20-23 who make approximately $40,000 a year (ΒΌ of the people in this age group). After this small spike, incomes steadily decrease until approximately 35 when they increase until approximately 60 years old. These patterns suggest that there are things to take into consideration when you want to find a job or earn more money in your career field; although you might be making more money at 40 years old than you were at 25, keep in mind that there are other factors to consider than just income level by itself.

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