Average salary in 1919

To get an average salary in 1919, simply enter your city, state and gender. This chart is not a scientific reference, just an estimate. The numbers in the interactive chart show the average salaries of men and women at this time. The United States department of labor has the official statistics for 1919.

The average salary in the US in 1919 was $5,330 ($102.28 / week).

Average salary in 1919

As you can see from the chart, in 1919 the national average salary was $1,900. Keep that in mind as you start your search for a designer job and think about how much your salary should be.

Comparing 1919 and now, we see that this profession has increased in salary 1,629.4%.

Whether you’re a history buff, a teacher, or simply interested in learning how the world has changed over the past century, this information can be useful to you. It’s also pretty neat to know that today, even though their salaries are certainly not comparable, the average salary for teachers is approaching what it was almost 100 years ago!

Note that there are some great salary resources out there, and if you can’t find the information you need from one, try another source. Browse through a few of them, and if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, it might be worth reaching out to a recruiter or operations manager at the company in question.

The conclusion informs the reader that this was a successful year for women, and a great step toward future equality for all the genders.

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