According to the BLS, the average salary of a Registered Nurse in North Carolina is around $63,000.
The average salary for a registered nurse in North Carolina is $69,000.
Average salary for rn in north carolina
The average salary for a nursing in North Carolina is $66683. It is a growing profession with a healthy compensation
A registered nurse is always in high demand, regardless of location. Salaries vary, with the average salary for a registered nurse in North Carolina being $62,910 as of 2013.
The simple answer to this is, “It depends.” If you are working in a private practice, then you can expect to earn somewhere in the neighborhood of $40 to $65 an hour. If you work for a hospital or other medical facility, then you should expect to earn closer to $30 an hour. One caveat, however, is that these salaries can often be skewed by experience and location.