Average salary for retail manager

A retail manager’s salary can vary depending on his or her location, the industry he or she is employed in, and how many years he or she has been managing.

The average salary for a retail manager is $58,000.

Average salary for retail manager

The average salary for a retail manager is around $67,000 a year, but can make as high as $92,000 based on experience and education.

A typical store manager for TJX earns about $54,600 a year. That’s well above the average salary for all retail managers, which is $50,000. These individuals have an exceptional amount of responsibility to lead their teams and drive profit in their stores, which they rise to meet.

A retail manager is responsible for overseeing all of the operations within a particular retail establishment. The first and most important responsibility is “makin’ money”. The second responsibility is to ensure that making money doesn’t involve stealing from the company. A retail manager must make sure all staff will treat customers with respect and honesty.

According to Cheryl Hazard with Plus 1 Employment, experience can and should play a role in salary bargaining conversations. She recommends using the statement, “I understand that you want to hire new people, but I have many years of experience in this field. What would you say about increasing my salary accordingly?”

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