Average salary for phlebotomist

As a guest blogger, I am often asked: “What is the average salary of a phlebotomist in California?” or “How much do you pay a phlebotomist?” However, when asking this question, it can be very challenging to find out specific information. We have all heard the phrase “You get what you pay for” and in the case of insurance requirements, it makes no exception. Keep reading to find out about the salary of Phlebotomists in different states across the country.

The average salary for a phlebotomist is $37,000.

Average salary for phlebotomist

a phlebotomist salary is dependant on experience, certification, along with other key factors. As one can see from this chart it can range from 10,000 dollars a year all the way up to 30,000 dollars or more if you are working on a large corporate level..

So what does a phlebotomist do? As you can probably already guess, their job is to draw blood. Phlebotomists are trained in handling many different situations and patient types, but ultimately their goal is always the same: to collect a sample of blood from different patients.

In most medical facilities, the phlebotomist is the person who draws blood, who makes sure that patients get their labs drawn and their bodies poked and prodded. They’re an integral part of a doctor’s office or hospital; they take care of a vital function, possibly even the most vital one.

It is important for students to know the difference between the two, as one prepares you for a job in healthcare field and the other one offers a career in blood bank oncology. All these careers are based on working with blood so it is important that you have an idea regarding their scope of work.

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