The average salary for liberal arts degree is $42,583 which is a lower median than the median national average of $45,135. An individual who has achieved a liberal arts degree may expect to earn an average wage ranging anywhere from $27,500 to nearly $59,000 per year.
The average salary for an individual with a liberal arts degree is lower than you think. The type of degree you have can actually affect your salary, but you should check out the Average Salary by Degree first in order to determine if you’re as unlucky as these students:
Average salary for liberal arts degree
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average salary for a college graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal arts is $45,700. This varies among states and ranges from $35,980 in Mississippi to $71,420 in New Jersey. In addition, you can also check out PayScale’s salary report on bachelors degrees in liberal arts.
Liberal arts degrees are often criticized as being a waste of time and money — an excuse not to start putting money aside for higher education. But the jobs requiring these degrees pay well, on average. One reason for this is graduates from these programs tend to pursue professions that are better compensated.
Based on the results of a 2012 Georgetown University study and using US Census data, the graphic below shows how much you can expect to earn with a liberal arts degree at different levels of education and experience.
An undergraduate major in liberal arts and sciences can increase your earning potential. In fact, liberal arts students can earn upwards of $4000 a month in their early years after graduation. Learn more about the salary statistics of the liberal arts degree here.
The average salary for college graduates with a degree in Liberal Arts is $43,345. That’s the average starting salary according to an article that ran on U.S. News that looked at the latest data on bachelor’s degrees and their earning potential upon graduation.
While there are more liberal arts graduates than any other major, not all liberal arts degrees are created equal when it comes to salary. In fact, the average salary for liberal arts majors varies greatly depending on their major.
One of the most common liberal arts degree is a Bachelor’s degree in English which qualifies graduates for careers in fields like teaching and writing. In this article I will give you an overview of the average salary you can earn with an English degree.
Most students who graduate with a degree in liberal arts do so with the belief that they will be able to find work, get hired, and earn a decent salary that will more than likely be more than their friends with degrees in engineering, computer science and other more “practical” fields; that’s what I thought when I left college. After nearly two years of being out of college, I now realize how very wrong I was about that.
A liberal arts degree can be an enormous asset whether you are trying to start your own business or seeking to advance your career. The advantage of a liberal arts degree is that it provides a wide variety of job opportunities, as well as rich experience. Understanding the lessons taught during a liberal arts education can make it easier for students to make meaningful and successful contributions in their fields.
You often hear people saying that you should get a degree in something related to what you want to do when you grow up. A business, accounting, engineering or computer science related degree is commonly accepted as the path to success. But for the artsy type, it may seem like all those other degrees are more valuable. What if that’s not true? Well then you should look into it.
In today’s world of fast paced growth, it’s very important to learn new skills and tools. There is an abundance of knowledge available through the web nowadays and anyone can get his hands on useful information. As a matter of fact, technology has progressed so much that we’re now able to complete many tasks with just a single click. Make sure you read our collection of articles prepared by experienced writers with in-depth knowledge about liberal arts degree.
In the April of 2012, Dr. Richard Vedder argued that a degree in the liberal arts is not worth the cost. With an estimated 25% of all American students graduating with degrees in liberal arts, he has drawn concern from educators and policy makers alike what will become of these graduates.
You’ve likely heard that there’s not a lot of money in the field of liberal arts. A degree like English — or History, for that matter — is criticized for being impractical, being pigeon-holed into teaching positions, and not giving someone the kind of salary they can live on. So what does an English major do about making more money?
If you were like me, you wanted to have a career that used your talents. You could have become an accountant, or joined the medical profession. But instead, you chose to work in creative writing. For me, this decision was based on my love of constructing compelling stories full of innovative details and descriptions. Sadly, in going through a liberal arts degree program at a prestigious university with state-of-the-art facilities and technology, I could not support myself. Instead, I found employment as a paralegal at an accounting firm where I write monthly reports for attorneys.
If you’re on the fence about whether or not to become an English major, this post might sway you one way or another. It’s a matter of fact that college grads who majored in less in-demand fields tend to make less at their first job than those in more popular fields.
Recent college graduates can have a hard time finding a job. If you attended school for a few years for a degree in art history, it might be even harder.