The following is a comprehensive breakdown of the average salary for kinesiologists. Included are average salaries by city, by level of education, whether part-time or full-time work.
You can earn an average salary of $42,480 a year as a kinesiologist. The exact salary that someone earns depends on which area they work in and where they live.
average salary of $42,480 a year as a kinesiologist. The exact salary that someone earns depends on which area they work in and where they live.
The average salary for kinesiologists in the United States is $64,250 per year. That’s around $30 hourly.
There are several factors that go into determining your salary growth and earning potential as a kinesiologist. Some of the more important factors include workplace, job experience, and hours worked. We’ll go into detail about all of these factors to see what kind of salary range you should expect as a kinesiologist.
You’ve done the research, you’ve decided you want to become a Kinesiologist, now what? Salaries vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, including the country where you live. So before creating your career plan, you need to figure out how much money you’ll make once you graduate.
kinesiology [kin-ee-uh-logy] – noun: the scientific study of the mechanisms and functions of bodily movement and muscular activity.
Average salary for kinesiologist
The average salary for kinesiologist with majority of their time spent in a clinical setting is $84,893 dollars as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Broadly speaking, kinesiology is a branch of medicine that specializes in the musculoskeletal system and helps to prevent and treat injuries caused by biomechanical deviations.
The kinesiologist salary starts at $34,000 in Paris, but can reach $66,000.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average kinesiologist salary is $49,100. This figure will vary depending on experience and employment setting (academia or private practice).
The average salary for kinesiology majors is $35,633 a year. It is also estimated that an additional 1.9% of a person’s income is added each year after receiving a kinesiology degree.
There are endless possibilities for careers around the world in the field of kinesiology. Kinesiology, or the study of human movement, provides us with essential information on how our bodies can achieve their optimal performance in sports and daily physical activity. Throughout this article, we will explore kinesiology majors by degree level and salary break-downs for men and women who pursue this exciting field.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, kinesiologists earned a median salary of $72,620 per year as of 2010. The lowest 10 percent made $40,670 or less per year, and the highest 10 percent earned $119,860 a year or more. Kinesiology majors have wide-ranging job opportunities available to them once they graduate from college. Some graduates open their own clinics; for example, the founder of Physiotherapy Vancouver was an accomplished kinesiologist who graduated from the University of British Columbia. Kinesiologists also work in laboratories doing industrial testing projects.
Looking for the average salary of a kinesiologist in your area? Below is a chart representing the average salaries in many places around the U.S.
The average yearly salary for a Kinesiologist is $53,510. Many kinesiologists work in hospitals and offices, employed by medical facilities.
The average kinesiologist salary varies based on several factors, including education level, years of experience and location.
Kinesiologists work with individuals to help them achieve physical fitness, relieve muscular pain and prevent injury. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual kinesiologist salary was $65,000 in 2010, or $31.63 per hour.
Kinesiologists are exercise professionals who focus on either an individual’s or a group’s movement patterns and how these movements can be modified for optimal performance. They help clients develop better posture, balance, coordination, endurance, as well as improve their overall fitness. Their ability to accurately analyze and evaluate movement is one of the most important responsibilities in their occupation. Since there is no universal curriculum for becoming a kinesiologist, salaries may vary greatly across the United States.
Kinesiology is the study of human movement as well as body movement. The term is usually used to describe a healthcare professional who uses this knowledge to diagnose and treat others. Some of the duties a kinesiologist may perform include: