Maybe you need an amazing new website design. Perhaps you are in need of your first logo? Or maybe you want to show off your professional photography skills. WordPress offers many different ways to customize your website, but its “out of the box” features might not provide everything you need. In such cases, it is often a good idea to hire a freelancer, who can help you with designing your site in the way it should look.
The average salary for a graphic designer in New York is $60,000.
Average salary for graphic designer in new york
The average salary for graphic designers in New York is $54,832 but the median salary for graphic designer in New York is $57,821. So if you are a new designer living in New York the average salary can be helpful to set your budget. The median salary can help you compare yourself with people of your caliber. There might be designers who could work longer and make more money and others who might have fewer skills and make less money. On top of that, after taxes and all other deductions, you get an idea of how much do designers earn per hour. Even though it looks like a decent amount, many would argue that this is not the case since they are working longer hours than their peers elsewhere in the United States. So whether graphics designing is a popular career option or it has been over-saturated by the market will depend upon your skills, location, and unique mix of personal factors. Regardless of what anyone else does or feels about this profession, only you know if all the hard work is worth your time and effort or not. Just remember one thing–the job market will go as sustainable as long as there are designers who love their jobs and call themselves professionals!
On average, a New York City graphic designer makes $64,154 annually. This is a far cry from the $81,820 the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts for the average commercial artist and designer, but it should be noted that this estimate already accounts for the relative cost of living in Manhattan (which is much higher than other New York areas). In short: if you’re looking for big sums of cash as a graphic designer, don’t move to New York City—but if you’re looking for a deeply creative and engaging career, then you’ve found it.
Here’s the takeaway from this list: if you’re an aspiring graphic designer looking to get a foot in the proverbial door, it’s best to major in graphic design. The average salaries for most other majors are quite low compared to those of a graphic designer. However, if your passion lies outside of graphic design and you desperately want a creative career, then feel free to ignore this post—you’ll have to find your own creative outlet, as the study cited here can’t predict creative talent.
Whether you have just graduated from art school or you have years of experience under your belt, there are a number of factors that may help you earn more as a graphic designer. It’s not uncommon for young designers to be willing to accept less in order to build up their portfolios and gain experience. A few contracts under your belt can make all the difference when it comes to negotiating fees, so get out there and start working!