The average salary for a florist is $22,000. A highly experienced florist can earn up to $45,000, but that is a rarity. The mean hourly wage for someone who works in a floral shop or as a self-employed florist are $11.00 an hour and $19.90 an hour respectively. The median annual salary of a florist varies in each area and can be anywhere between $18,000 and $24,250 per year.
The average salary for a florist is $29,000 per year. This varies depending on the region and experience of the individual, but it’s an average figure that most florists can expect.
Average salary for florist
The salary of a florist will depend largely on their level of experience. A beginner in this profession can expect to make around $22,000 yearly while those who have mastered the craft can earn upwards of $51,000. The average salary of a florist (in any position) is around $27,000 yearly.
The data says that the average salary for florists is $22,900. The median salary for florists is a lot lower than the average at $19,990. Florists in the top 10% of earners in the profession take home $38,420 or more. As you can see, some pretty big differences exist in floral designer salaries.
Conclusion: A florist can make a reasonable living. Although the salary may seem modest, the benefits associated with this position mean that you have a secure and reliable income. You also get to work in a field that is generally aligned with your interests, and inspires you each day to do better. The future of the floral industry is bright, which means that there will always be a need for florists. To get a feel for what it would be like to work as a florist, check out . It is run by Jamie Durie, who was the winner of Season 3 of The Apprentice . Her website features all kinds of interesting information about working as a florist, including how you can become one too.