There is no average salary for dermatologists, as a specialty, because their salaries are all over the place. The average pay for the majority of dermatologists, however, is $190K
.Average salary for dermatologists is $195,000 per year.
Average salary for dermatologist
Dermatologists are health professionals who treat skin and cosmetic issues. They take care of conditions that range from the common occurrence of acne, to less common ones like eczema, to rare cases such as scarring from burns or wounds. Dermatologists also treat cancers of the skin, hair and nails. In addition, they have expertise in cosmetic procedures like botox injections, facial rejuvenation and more. If you think that a career in dermatology might be for you, read on to learn more about what dermatologists do, how much they make and which industries hire them.”
As a dermatologist, you will work in a variety of industries and roles. You may be an employee for a hospital or private practice, or you may be self-employed and work out of your own office. The salary range for dermatologists working in those settings is similar to the average annual pay of $202,000 across all jobs in the United States.
In addition to this base pay figure, some dermatologists have additional sources of income from consulting fees and continuing medical education credits that can add up to an even higher annual salary than the national average for their profession.
Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating skin conditions. Dermatologists deal with all kinds of skin diseases, from warts to moles to skin cancer and other cancers that affect our bodies. They also treat hair loss, nail disorders, acne and other embarrassing problems like stretch marks or scars from accidents or surgery.
How much do dermatologists make?
The average salary of a dermatologist is $247,000 per year. That’s right—a whopping $247,000! But that’s just the average. In order to get an exact number, you’ll have to consider several factors: different industries, cities, states and countries.
To help you understand how much you can make as a dermatologist depending on where you live, we’ve put together this handy guide to show you where dermatology jobs pay the most and where they won’t even cover your student loans.
You can also read about how to become a dermatologist, which is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin disorders.
This is an overview of what it takes to become a dermatologist in the US. If you want to learn more about this career path, visit our directory for detailed profiles on related careers like:
Surgical Oncology – Surgical oncologists specialize in treating cancerous tumors using surgery. They may work as part of a team or independently within hospitals and private practices.
Physiatrist – Physiatrists specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R), which includes diagnosing conditions caused by injuries or disease and prescribing rehabilitation programs such as physical therapy or occupational therapy to help patients recover from those injuries or diseases.
Related Jobs
It’s important to note that dermatology is a specialty of medicine, meaning it’s a sub-field of medicine that focuses on treating skin diseases. In order to become a dermatologist and be able to treat patients with skin diseases, you must complete medical school and residency training in dermatology (which lasts at least three years).
After graduation from medical school, you can then apply for entry-level positions like resident or fellow at hospitals or private practices. The average salary for residents ranges from $83,000 to $110,000—this depends largely on your location. Once you’ve completed your residency/fellowship training program(s), you’ll be ready to take the board exam necessary for certification as a board-certified specialist in either internal medicine or family practice (depending on whether your goal is general practice versus hospital work). Aspiring dermatologists should also consider taking postgraduate courses on topics such as surgical techniques related specifically toward treatments involving the skin
Dermatologists make a lot of money.
The average salary for a dermatologist is $217,000. This figure varies based on the industry in which you work and your location. For example, if you practice in one of these cities or countries where dermatologists make more than average: New York City ($300K), Los Angeles ($297K), San Francisco Bay Area ($284K), Chicago ($274K). If you practice in an area where there are fewer people with skin conditions (like Alaska or Montana) then it’s likely your income will be lower than these figures.
There you have it folks, how much does a dermatologist make? It’s a lot. While we can only estimate the average salary for dermatologists based on current data, we hope that this post has helped you get a better idea of what lies ahead in terms of compensation if you decide to pursue this career.