Did you know that the average salary for customer success manager is $138,051? This number comes from a survey of over 6,000 professionals and was conducted by PayScale.
The average salary for a customer success manager is $95,000.
Average salary for customer success manager
Being a customer success manager is a great career choice if you love helping people and businesses grow. But how much do they make? Customer success salaries will vary based on several factors, including your location, industry, and experience. In addition, customer success managers can make more money with certain certifications or specific skills.
Customer success managers: What you’d do
As a customer success manager, you would be responsible for the following:
- Ensuring that customers are satisfied with their product and service. To do this, you’ll need to keep track of customer feedback on your product—both positive and negative—and use it as a jumping off point for future improvements. You’ll also want to develop specific strategies for dealing with customers who aren’t happy with the way things are going.
- Making sure customers can effectively use your product or service. Customer support doesn’t end at answering questions about how to set up a new account; it’s about ensuring that all users have access to all features and resources available through the platform or tool they’re using. This includes not just those who were able to access the feature in question, but also users who might want access but haven’t been able (or had time) yet due to other circumstances such as lack of training or busy schedules.”
Customer success manager salaries
The average salary for customer success managers ranges from $64,000 to $80,000 in the United States. This includes salary information from more than 1,500 people who reported their salaries on Glassdoor™.
This data was collected anonymously by the estimated salaries of employees with similar titles and locations throughout the country. The minimum and maximum are for each city that has employee-reported salaries. The average is based on all salary reports shared by employees during a specified period of time (3-6 months).
In Australia, an experienced CSM could expect to earn around AU$83k (at least US$60k) per year plus bonuses depending on your experience level. In Canada and India, you can expect to earn between CA$69k (US$53k) and INR 7 Lakhs (INR 80 Lakhs), respectively
Customer success manager skills and qualifications
Customer success managers are responsible for ensuring their clients (the people who buy their company’s product or service) are successful. They help the clients figure out how to use the product, resolve any issues that come up, and recommend improvements to the company’s offerings based on what they find out about how customers use them.
Customer success managers need a lot of skills and qualifications:
- Customer service experience
- Project management experience
- Communication experience
- Empathy/strategic thinking skills
They also need to be able to solve problems quickly and creatively.
What to expect when interviewing for a customer success manager position
- Be yourself. It’s important to be confident, but don’t try your hand at the role of a customer success manager in an interview.
- Prepare for the interview. Review the job description and determine if you have the qualifications needed to be successful in this position.
- Know what questions they might ask you (and prepare answers). You can expect questions about your experience with customer success and with the company as well as any relevant skills or specialties that make you uniquely qualified for this position. You should also know how much money you want to make before going into an interview so that you can talk about salary requirements during negotiations if necessary.* Know how long it takes for someone like you to get promoted within this organization.* Understand what benefits are offered to employees who take this job.* Know when certain benefits begin and how long they last (e.g., health insurance coverage).
The salary for a customer success manager can vary dramatically depending on your location and experience.
The salary for a customer success manager can vary dramatically depending on your location and experience. The average salary for a customer success manager is $100,000, but in New York the average is closer to $120,000.
This increase in pay comes with good reason: the cost of living in New York City is high—and it’s only getting higher.
We hope this information has been helpful for you to understand the role of a customer success manager and what salary you can expect when interviewing for jobs. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below.