Average salary for biology degree

Every year the average salary for a biology occurs but this salary is different from one position to another. Colleges and universities have various requirements for their biology programs and so do other employers. As expected, because of the many differences, there are also different annual salaries for biology degree .


The average salary for a biology degree is $70,000 per year. This includes the median salary for entry-level jobs and more experienced positions.

Average salary for biology degree

A biology degree can set you up for a variety of lucrative jobs. Good news, right? Just how good is the news? We’ve rounded up some stats on the salary potential of holding a four-year degree in biology to get an idea of how much your work will pay off.

$47,000 (Entry-level)

A bachelor’s degree in biology is a popular choice for many students seeking a career in the healthcare field. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 53,400 jobs for biochemists and biophysicists in 2017; however, only about 14% of these workers had a bachelor’s degree or higher. With so few opportunities available for those with advanced degrees in this field, it may be beneficial for some professionals to consider alternative options when entering the workforce.

On average, those who hold a master’s degree might earn from $37 per hour up to $50 per hour depending on their area of expertise and experience level. Those working towards earning their Ph.D., meanwhile—which takes an average of five years beyond obtaining your master’s—could earn anywhere from $38-$60 per hour (or more).


  • $67,000 (mid-career)
  • $54,000 (early career)


We hope that this information has given you a better understanding of the prospects for your degree and career. As long as you are passionate about the field and willing to put in the effort to learn, then a biology degree can be an excellent choice. It may not be a money-making venture, but it is something that will pay off over time if you focus on what you want to do with it in your life instead of how much money might come from it immediately

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