Average salary for bankers life and casualty company

Understanding the actual salary of bankers life and casualty company can help you appreciate your worth. The average banker-life insurance company salary is $71,000. Top earners, however, make significantly more: $150,000 to $220,000. Interestingly, some corporations pay commission based on their company’s earnings and performance. While if you are a CEO, vice president or managing director of the company – chances are that you work for someone and do not get paid for your efforts as a freelance banker. Instead, you may make around $500,000 in total compensation from salary/bonus plan.

The average salary for a banker’s life and casualty company is $90,000.

Average salary for bankers life and casualty company

The average salary for Bankers Life and Casualty Company employees is $44,731 per year. Visit PayScale to research Bankers Life and Casualty Company salaries, bonuses, reviews, benefits, and more!

Sales Representative

Sales Representative

  • Average salary: $51,000 to $66,000

$44,731 per year

The average salary for a bankers life and casualty company is $44,731 per year. The average salary for a sales representative is $42,350 per year. The average salary for an insurance agent is $38,000 per year. The average salary for an insurance broker is $38,000 per year. The average salary for an insurance broker agent is $32,500 per year.


Our data indicates that the best paid Sales Representatives work for Bankers Life and Casualty Company at $44,731 annually.

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