Average salary for a zookeeper

The average salary for a zookeeper is $24,000 a year. Becoming a zookeeper requires no formal schooling, just time and motivation to work with animals.

The average salary for a zookeeper is $50,000 per year.

Average salary for a zookeeper

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with animals all day? Zookeepers have the opportunity to do that daily. They take care of a variety of animals, including reptiles and birds, in addition to mammals. Zookeepers typically work at a zoo or aquarium and are responsible for making sure the animals living there are cared for properly. This includes feeding them, cleaning their enclosures, monitoring their health and behavior, preparing them for medical exams or treatments, training them and answering questions from the public.

Zookeepers are typically employed at zoos and aquariums. They often work full-time, but may be required to work evenings, weekends or holidays.

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The average salary among zookeepers is $28,500 per year.

If you’re interested in becoming a zookeeper, you might wonder how much salary you can expect to make. The average zookeeper salary is $28,500 per year, which translates to about $13.50 per hour. This makes it one of the lowest-paying occupations in America—only personal care aides and home health aides make less on average than zookeepers do.

In general though, zoo keepers are paid quite well for the work they do and enjoy many benefits that other workers often don’t have access to: full medical coverage (including dental), paid vacation time, sick leave benefits and more.

The average salary for a zookeeper is about $28,500 per year.

The average salary for a zoo keeper is about $28,500 per year. This varies depending on the country and type of zoo you work in. A zookeeper in the United States will make an average salary of $35,000 per year. In Canada, they can expect to earn around $30,000 annually. If you are working in Australia or the United Kingdom (UK), your annual wages may be lower—about $27,000 AUD or £20k GBP respectively.


In conclusion, the average salary for a zookeeper is about $28,500 per year. It’s important to note that there are several factors which can affect this number, including experience and location. As you can see from the data we’ve presented above, these factors can vary widely across different locations in America! This means it all comes down to what works best for you as an individual and how much time you want to invest into your career path.

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