Average salary for a yoga instructor

You’re a yoga instructor, and you want to know what the average salary is for a yoga instructor. There’s more than one way – but which way is the best for you? Find out as we analyze two different ways of finding the answer.

The average salary for a yoga instructor is $30,000 per year.

Average salary for a yoga instructor

The average salary for a yoga instructor is $51,000 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 10 years in this career.

$51,000 per year

The average salary for a yoga instructor is $51,000 per year. That’s right: your job might be one of the best-paying in America!


It’s clear that yoga has gone mainstream. But even though there are many more students than ever before, it’s not always easy being a teacher. The work can be demanding and doesn’t pay well, but there is definitely room to grow if you’re willing to put in the time and effort.

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