Average salary for a teacher in illinois

The average salary for a teacher in Illinois is $66,000. Salaries can vary greatly depending on the school district. The highest-paying districts in Illinois are the following: (The highest average salary was $99,000)

The average salary for a teacher in Illinois is $69,610.

Average salary for a teacher in illinois

Teacher salaries in Illinois vary between school districts. Here’s an overview of the average teacher salary in the state and how it compares to the national average.

What’s the average salary for a teacher in Illinois?

Illinois is the 8th highest average teacher salary among the states. Illinois is above the average teacher salary in Colorado, but below the average teacher salary in Connecticut.

Illinois is below the average teacher salary in New York, but above the average teacher salary in California.

The average teacher salary in Illinois is $66,430.

The average teacher salary in Illinois is $66,430. The average teacher salary in other states ranges from $43,000 to $72,000.

To calculate the average teacher salary in Illinois and other states, you must multiply the number of teachers by their respective salaries and then divide the total by the number of teachers. For example:

  • 20 teachers * $40/hour = $800/hour
  • 100 teachers * $60/hour = $6,000/hour

$800 + 6,000 = $7200 / 100 = 72 dollars per hour

That’s the 8th highest average teacher salary among the states. It ranks above the average teacher salary in Colorado, but below the average teacher salary in Connecticut.

Illinois is one of the highest paying states for teachers, with an average salary of $66,430. That’s 8th highest among all 50 states and Washington D.C., coming in just above Colorado ($59,770) and below Connecticut ($74,970).

The national average public school teacher salary for 2017-2018 was $60,477 a year, while the average private school teacher salary was $41,820.

For example:

The national average public school teacher salary for 2017-2018 was $60,477 a year, while the average private school teacher salary was $41,820. The national average private school teacher salary for 2017-2018 was $41,820.

The lowest paid teachers in the country are found in Arizona, where elementary school teachers make an average of $42,474 and high school teachers make $46,470.

The lowest paid teachers in the country are found in Arizona, where elementary school teachers make an average of $42,474 and high school teachers make $46,470. The average teacher salary for Colorado is $47,000.

Arizona has nearly 40 percent fewer students than Illinois but employs nearly five times as many teachers—more than 13 times as many per student. It’s not that the people of Arizona don’t value education or teaching; they just don’t do it enough to warrant paying their educators a livable wage.

In Hawaii, teachers make $51,270 on average at an elementary school and $54,360 if they teach high school.

According to a report by the National Education Association, teachers in Hawaii make $51,270 on average at an elementary school and $54,360 if they teach high school. That’s more than any other state in America. It should be noted that this number includes all teachers in Hawaii, including those who work at private schools or charter schools.

However, these numbers are still lower than what educators made nationwide before the recession began in 2008 (adjusted for inflation).

Teachers make about 66k a year

Teachers in the U.S. earn a median annual salary of $66,000. That’s higher than the average American worker’s salary, which is $45,790 per year as of May 2019.

In Illinois, teachers make on average more than teachers in all other states and districts across the nation. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Illinois teachers earn an average salary of $66,000 per year—higher than any other state or district in America by approximately $10k annually.


If you’re interested in teaching in Illinois, you might consider applying for a job at one of the top Illinois school districts. The highest paying school district is Lake Forest High School District 115, where teachers earn an average salary of $93,820. In Niles Township High School District 219, teachers make an average of $84,224 a year, and in Alton School District 11 (teachers) salaries range from

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