The average salary for a taxidermist is $33,500. An inexperienced taxidermist will earn a much smaller salary of around $22,000. A person learns to become a taxidermist through an apprenticeship with an established professional.
The average salary for a taxidermist is $40,000 per year.
Average salary for a taxidermist
Taxidermists are paid quite well, with average annual salaries reaching $43,285. That’s good news if you’re thinking of entering a career in taxidermy and want to hunt down the best job prospects and areas of the country that offer top-notch salaries. However, if you’re concerned about the profession’s growth prospects, things don’t look so hot: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that the taxidermist job market will only grow by 6 percent between 2014 and 2024.
The average salary for a taxidermist is $43,285.
The average salary for the taxidermists is $43,285 per year. This amount is calculated using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and represents an annual mean wage for all taxidermists in the United States. The BLS also includes data on how much you would make as a junior taxidermist or senior taxidermist in your particular state, but we’ll get to this later.
The BLS projects that the job market for taxidermists will grow 6 percent from 2014 to 2024.
The BLS projects that the job market for taxidermists will grow 6 percent from 2014 to 2024.
- Job outlook: The job outlook for taxidermists is “fair.”
- Most generous employers of taxidermists are generally those located in the western US.
The BLS describes the job outlook for taxidermists as “fair.”
The BLS describes the job outlook for taxidermists as “fair.” The agency predicts little change in employment opportunities over the decade, and this means that there’s no reason to expect an improvement or deterioration in pay.
The most generous employers of taxidermists are generally those located in the western US, with Alaska and Texas paying the best wages.
If you’re looking for a high-paying job in taxidermy, your best bet is to look west. Alaska and Texas pay the highest wages for this career field, with average salaries of $56,000 and $52,000 respectively. If you’re not from either of those states and want to relocate there for work, there are other options as well. Maine and Oregon also offer some excellent opportunities with average salaries of $42,000 and $48,000 per year respectively—that’s nearly half again what the average worker earns nationwide!
Maine and Oregon are also good places to find high-paying jobs.
Maine and Oregon are also good places to find high-paying jobs. Taxidermists in Maine can earn $60,000+ per year, while those in Oregon can net the same amount.
The average salary for a taxidermist is $30,000+ per year or more depending on their experience and location.
Taxidermist salaries are generally highest in Alaska, with an average salary of $56,000.
In general, taxidermist salaries are highest in Alaska, where the average pay is $56,000. The lowest average salary is found in Maine at $40,000 per year. But even if your state isn’t one of the top-paying locations for taxidermists, there are still plenty of opportunities available to you!
The profession of taxidermist is projected to undergo minimal growth over the coming decade.
The profession of taxidermist is projected to undergo minimal growth over the coming decade. The most generous employers of taxidermists are generally those located in the western US, with Alaska and Texas paying the best wages.
The taxidermy profession is one that many people find intriguing, and—though it is projected to grow at a slow rate over the next decade—opportunities for advancement are available. If you are interested in this profession, though, you should be willing to start out with a small salary and work your way up. Most taxidermists take several years to develop their skills before they can make a living wage.