The average Salary of a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, according to, is of $68,000. A good amount of the income variation depends on location, the place of working, and employer size.
The average salary for a neonatal nurse practitioner is $73,000 per year.
Average salary for a neonatal nurse practitioner
Nurse practitioners are among the highest paid members of the healthcare profession. To become a nurse practitioner, you must have a bachelor’s degree in nursing, and many states also require a master of science in nursing or an additional graduate degree. Many people who already have an undergraduate degree in nursing earn their master’s through an online program. These programs are very convenient and make it possible to continue working full-time while earning your degree.
Neonatal nurse practitioners provide lifesaving care to newborns.
Neonatal nurse practitioners provide lifesaving care to newborns. They are registered nurses with advanced training, who can perform all the tasks of a registered nurse and many of the tasks that doctors perform.
Neonatal nurse practitioners are able to diagnose and treat patients. They also have the authority to prescribe medications and order certain diagnostic tests.
It’s important to consider the salary of a neonatal nurse practitioner, especially if you are contemplating a career change.
If you are considering a career change, it’s important to consider the salary of a neonatal nurse practitioner. You should also consider the salary of a neonatal nurse practitioner if you are contemplating a career change.
The available salary depends on many factors including geographical location, type of practice and years of experience.
The available salary depends on many factors including geographical location, type of practice and years of experience.
For example:
- The average salary for a neonatal nurse practitioner in Texas is $36,000 per year. A neonatal nurse practitioner can expect to earn an average of $1,847 per month or $21.96 per hour.* In spite of this difference in pay between states and regions, it’s important to note that there are other factors influencing how much money you make besides location or sector (public or private).* Your education level is also important; those with a bachelor’s degree will earn more than those who only have an associate’s degree.* Other factors include the size of your practice (single physician vs large hospital), number of employers under your umbrella (for instance if you’re working at a group practice or hospital), number of patients seen each year as well as what type of procedures they need done on them.* For instance: if someone needs surgery performed on their heart then that would be considered more complex than someone who just needs something like an injection/test run once every few months–so both cases would count towards these totals differently depending on complexity level!
The median annual wage for nurse practitioners was $107,480, slightly higher than the average for neonatal nurse practitioners.
The average salary for neonatal nurse practitioners is $84,000. The median annual wage for nurse practitioners was $107,480, slightly higher than the average for neonatal nurse practitioners.
The median salary for a neonatal nurse practitioner in the United States is $90,400 (or about $44 per hour).
Registered nurses earn much less than nurse practitioners on average.
As you can see, the average salary for a neonatal nurse practitioner is much higher than that of a registered nurse.
This is due to their specialized education and training, which requires thousands of dollars worth of tuition and thousands more in fees for certification exams.
Nurse practitioners can earn between $47,000 and $152,000 per year.
As a neonatal nurse practitioner (NNP), you can expect to earn between $47,000 and $152,000 per year. The average salary for an NNP is $73,000 per year. Pediatric nurse practitioners earn less on average than their NNP counterparts; their average salary is $76,000 per year.
Now that you have learned about the salary of a neonatal nurse practitioner, it’s time to get started. It’s important to consider all of your options before making a decision. New grads may want to start with an entry-level position and work their way up from there. Those who are looking for more responsibility or growth potential may choose an advance practice role such as neonatal nurse practitioner. Remember that this job is not for everyone but if it sounds like something you would enjoy then make sure you check out our website today!