Average salary for a civil engineer

So, you want to be a civil engineer? Good for you! The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that through 2018 the demand for civil engineers will grow by 6%, much faster than the average for all occupations. There are numerous paths to becoming a civil engineer — engineering internships, civil engineering roles at companies, and becoming an in-house designer. But regardless of which path you choose, you will need to find your first job! So what is the average salary for a Civil Engineer?

The average salary for a civil engineer is $85,000 per year.

Average salary for a civil engineer

Civil engineers design, plan, and manage the construction of things like tunnels, bridges, roads, buildings, airports and more. They also help ensure that civil structures remain functional and safe for their intended uses. If this sounds like an interesting career to you, read on to find out what civil engineers make in the United States.

The average salary for a civil engineer in the United States is $93,122 as of January 27, 2021. This is higher than the national salary average of $85,809.

The average salary for a civil engineer in the United States is $93,122 as of January 27, 2021. This is higher than the national salary average of $85,809. Civil engineers are paid more in California than in any other state, with an average hourly wage of $38.33 and an average annual salary of $83,890. The lowest paying states are Mississippi ($35 hourly) and Alabama ($36 hourly).

The range from low to high for this position spans between $65,000-$116,000 per year (for median pay), but it can vary based on experience level as well as geographic location.

The range from low to high is $65,000 to $116,000.

The range from low to high is $65,000 to $116,000. The average salary is $93,122, while the median salary is $88,000. The minimum salary on this list was $65,000 and the maximum was $116,000.

How much does a civil engineer get paid per hour?

The average hourly wage for civil engineers in the United States is $42.68, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This means that a civil engineer who works full-time would earn an estimated annual salary of $85,800.

However, this number is only an estimate and doesn’t take into account factors like location or level of experience. To truly understand how much money you can make as a civil engineer it’s helpful to understand what factors affect your paycheck and how much other people in your field have been making recently:

  • Employment status: The BLS reports that 22% percent of all civil engineers are self-employed; another 58% work for engineering services firms; about 13% work for federal government agencies; 5% work for state governments; 3% work for local governments; 2% work directly with business establishments such as manufacturing plants and retailers; and 1% provide consulting services exclusively to others in their field without maintaining any other type of business themselves (i.e., they’re independent contractors).
  • Industry sector: Civil engineers can be found anywhere from private businesses to government agencies such as schools or military bases or even multinational corporations like Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which employs over two dozen professional engineers on its staffs around the world—to name just one example.* Skill level: Those with more experience typically earn higher salaries than those just starting out so consider where you want your career path to lead before deciding whether or not becoming one will be worth all those extra years spent studying math problems instead of getting drunk at parties.* Location/geographic area within country where working takes place (city size matters too): While some places may offer lower cost-of-living expenses, those savings are often offset by low salaries compared with other areas where housing costs might be higher but incomes tend toward higher levels due* Market demand/supply ratio

In the United States, civil engineers make an average hourly wage of $44.63 per hour or $82,972 per year.

Civil engineers are paid more than other professionals in their field, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In fact, civil engineering is among the top 10 highest-paid professions in America. It’s also one of the best jobs in America, according to Forbes. But how much do civil engineers make?

The average civil engineer salary is $82,972 per year or $44.63 per hour (U.S.). When it comes to national averages, Oregon pays its civil engineers the highest at $108,630 while Montana pays its civil engineers the lowest at $79,860 each year on average.


Civil engineers are well-paid professionals who work hard to design projects that better our world. From designing bridges to building skyscrapers, civil engineers get paid very well for the work they do. However, they are not paid nearly as much as architects or mechanical engineers. Civil engineering is definitely a field that requires both talent and determination if you want to succeed in it!

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