Average salary for 32 year old male

Have you ever wondered what is the average salary for 32 year old male? If you were planning your career path and were looking for the average salary in a particular field how would you find it out? The good news is that there is a way to get real salary information without too much effort.

The average salary for a 32 year old male is $65,000.

Average salary for 32 year old male

The average 32 year old male makes $49,029 in the US.


On average, salaries for 32 year old men in the United States are $49,029. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that this is the average amount that men between 30 and 34 years old make each year. This number is an estimate based on data gathered from over 6,000 households across the country during 2017.

However, it should be noted that this is just a generalized figure and does not take into account your specific situation or experience level in your industry. If you’re looking for insight into what someone like you might earn at a particular level of education and experience level, then it will be helpful for you to consult with an expert who can help provide advice about how much money you could make as a 32-year-old male worker.

The average 32 year old male makes $49,029 in the US.

The average 32 year old male makes $49,029 in the US. For women, it’s $45,484. The average salary for a 32 year old in the UK is £26k (or around $36k USD), while Canada has an average yearly income of C$60k—more than twice as much as their American counterparts earn.

The best jobs for 32 year olds are:

  • Computer Software Engineers make an average annual salary of $100k+
  • Accountants and Auditors make an average annual salary of $75-$95k+


The average 32 year old man makes $49,029. This number will vary by industry and location, but is a good benchmark when you’re looking to increase your salary or are considering a new job opportunity.

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