Average salary at 30

Being 30 is quite an achievement. You are on the right path of your life, a responsible adult. However, it’s time to stop comparing yourself with others or worrying too much about your age. The average salary at 30 is very different in each country. So make sure not just to compare yourself with your friends but with people in your country!

The average salary at 30 is $35,000.

Average salary at 30

he average salary for a person in their thirties is over $46,200.00 per year and this number is expected to increase as workers age and earn promotions or switch into higher paying jobs.

A look at what the average salary for a person in their thirties is and how it is affected by other factors.

The average salary for a person in their thirties is not the same everywhere. In fact, it can be very different depending on where you are located. For example, if you look at what the average salary for a person in Europe is compared with North America and Australia/New Zealand, you’ll find that they have higher pay rates than Americans or Canadians do.

We’ve put together some information on how much each country pays their citizens based on age group so that you can see how much more money your friends make than others around the world:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides annual income information for workers aged 16 and above. Estimates are based on data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79).

The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides annual income information for workers aged 16 and above. Estimates are based on data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79).

NLSY79 is a large-scale survey of young people who were born between 1957 and 1964. It was designed to collect information about employment history and economic well-being, as well as other demographic characteristics such as education level or geographic location. The survey began in 1979 when participants were aged 14 to 22 years old; follow-up interviews have been conducted every two years since then until 2012, when participants were 44 to 49 years old (or age 50 if they had not had an interview).

Census.gov also reports averages, often by state or speciality. We used data from 2016 because the 2017 numbers haven’t been released yet.

The best way to find out the average salary at 30 is to look at your state and specialty. The U.S. Census Bureau reports averages, often by state or speciality, on its website. We used data from 2016 because the 2017 numbers haven’t been released yet.

To find your state’s average salary, click on “Bureau of Labor Statistics,” then click “State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates.” From there you can scroll down until you see “All Occupations.”

Once you’ve found that information for your profession in your area of expertise (or not), it’s time to do some math—and maybe some negotiating!

The Social Security Administration reports monthly income, including overtime and tips, but not counting public assistance or unemployment benefits.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) reports monthly income, including overtime and tips, but not counting public assistance or unemployment benefits.

  • This data is from 2016 and the latest available at this time.
  • The following graphic shows the average annual income for persons 30 years old in each state in the United States:

The most recent data available shows the mean (average) earnings for workers who have reached age 35. The median is the number which divides a group in half, with half earning more than that amount and half earning less than that amount.

The most recent data available shows the mean (average) earnings for workers who have reached age 35. The median is the number which divides a group in half, with half earning more than that amount and half earning less than that amount.

The average salary for men is higher than the median salary for men—but not by much: $51,600 vs. $50,840. This means that there may be some outliers in this dataset who are skewing the overall results.

By contrast, women’s salaries are slightly lower than their median paychecks: $47,240 compared to $46,540.

Part of this can be attributed to women working fewer hours on average and having different jobs from their male counterparts (more likely to work part time; less likely to be managers or executives).

BLS data shows that men earned an average of $1,000 more per year than women, who averaged $46,241 per year. When looking at those with a bachelor’s degree, men earned an average of $4,000 more per year than women did. In general, earnings increased until age 55 before starting to decline slightly.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, men earned an average of $1,000 more per year than women, who averaged $46,241 per year. When looking at those with a bachelor’s degree, men earned an average of $4,000 more per year than women did.

In general, earnings increased until age 55 before starting to decline slightly.

The Census Bureau reports similar data with men earning about $600 – $700 more per year than women on average through age 51 before rising slightly until age 65 when it starts to decline again.

If you’re a woman, take heart. The Census Bureau reports similar data with men earning about $600 – $700 more per year than women on average through age 51 before rising slightly until age 65 when it starts to decline again.

After that, however, the tables turn: women start outpacing men in earnings by as much as $8,000 annually by age 75 and continue to do so until death at every income level and education level (up to a bachelor’s degree).

Average salaries tend to increase by age and education level for most people

Based on your experience, education and location, you can expect to earn:

  • $35K to $45K if you are 25 years old with a high school diploma or less.
  • $50K to $65K if you are 25 years old with a bachelor’s degree.
  • $60K to $85K if you are 35 years old with a master’s degree or an associate’s degree and five years of experience in the industry.


The average salary at 30 is not a clear-cut number. There are many factors that go into the average salaries, including age and education level. The best way to determine if you’re earning what you should be earning is by looking at the average salaries of people in your field or with similar experience. You can also compare yourself to other people around you who work similar jobs as well as see how much they make per year (or month) before deciding whether or not it’s time for a raise.

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