Average police salary in California

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The purpose of this post is to provide an overview of the average police salary in California. This is by no means a hard core statistical analysis placing all pertinent factors into consideration — but hopefully should give you some useful information.

The average police salary in California is $63,617. This figure is slightly lower than the national average of $66,140, but it still reflects a high standard of living for this state.

Average police salary in California

Becoming a police officer requires extensive training and an understanding of law enforcement duties. Officers must be physically fit and pass background checks. In some areas, officers are required to have college degrees in criminal justice or a related field. The average salary for a police officer varies by state and region, but is generally competitive with other careers that require a similar level of education and experience.

As of 2014, police and sheriff’s patrol officers in California had an average annual salary of $84,940.

As of 2014, police and sheriff’s patrol officers in California had an average annual salary of $84,940.

The average annual salary for all police officers across the country was $59,120 as of 2015.

The top-paying states were Alaska with an average annual salary of $75,540 and New Jersey with an average annual salary of $76,000 per year.

Police officers in other countries are paid less than their American counterparts: Hong Kong ($55k), Singapore ($64k), Thailand ($53k) and South Africa ($47k).

The median household income in California was $64,500 in 2013, according to U.S. Census data.

The median household income in California was $64,500 in 2013, according to U.S. Census data. The median household income is the amount that separates the higher half of households from the lower half of households. In other words, it’s the dollar amount at which 50% of households in a given area earn more than that figure and 50% earn less than that figure.

The median family income for California was $78,480 per year (same as the median household or individual).

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), police and sheriff’s patrol officers earned an average annual wage of $59,560 nationwide in 2014.

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), police and sheriff’s patrol officers earned an average annual wage of $59,560 nationwide in 2014. The BLS defines a police officer as “a person who is employed by a city, county, town or township to protect life and property and enforce municipal, county, state or federal laws.”

The agency collects data on wages for this job title from two sources: surveys sent out to employers by the U.S Census Bureau and surveys sent out directly to workers who are employed in law enforcement positions at state agencies across the country. These surveys ask questions about what kind of education was required for someone to land this position; how much training they had before starting on the job; how many hours they typically worked each week; what benefits they received while employed with their current employer; whether they have any plans to move on after having been with them for five years or more; etcetera.

The information gathered from these surveys then goes through a process called “weighting” so that all responses aren’t given equal weight when calculating averages like what kind of salary police officers make per year — but rather we get an accurate idea about how much money someone in this profession could expect over time working full-time without taking into account regional differences between different parts over America where there might be higher costs living here compared against somewhere else like Alaska where there may not be such high costs living because housing prices tend not be as expensive due their lower temperatures making heating less necessary than say New York City where it gets colder during winter months which means heating bills would cost more money than when living elsewhere

The average salary for police officers across the country will vary by job responsibilities – detectives and criminal investigators, for example, earned an average wage of $81,920 nationwide in 2014, while police and detectives supervisors earned an average of $89,310 per year during that same time frame.

The average salary for police officers across the country will vary by job responsibilities – detectives and criminal investigators, for example, earned an average wage of $81,920 nationwide in 2014, while police and detectives supervisors earned an average of $89,310 per year during that same time frame.

Relative to other occupations within this field, such as corrections officers or animal control officers (who make an average annual salary of $36K), you can see how a law enforcement career might be more lucrative—and more exciting!

BLS figures show variation in wages across the country. Police officers in Alaska made an average annual salary of $88,980 as of 2014, while those in New Jersey earned an average annual salary of $99,700 that year.

The BLS data does not include individual officers, but it does give an estimate of the average salary for police officers nationwide. The agency’s figures show variation in wages across the country. Police officers in Alaska made an average annual salary of $88,980 as of 2014, while those in New Jersey earned an average annual salary of $99,700 that year.

Salary ranges for specific departments can sometimes be found online or through the department itself.

You can find the salary range for a specific department online, through the department itself, or through a third party.

  • Online: Many departments post their salaries to their websites, but it’s not always an easy task to find them. If you have time, you can look through each website individually until you find what you need (and then cross-reference with any other sites that may have more information). Unfortunately this is usually not an option if you’re applying for jobs and need to know right away whether your salary will be competitive in comparison.
  • Departmental: If possible, make sure to ask about salary information directly from the source so that there are no misunderstandings about what your pay will be before accepting a position. Many departments are willing to give out some details about what they offer because they want to attract good candidates; however sometimes these numbers may be kept confidential because of state law or union regulations surrounding them (such as collective bargaining agreements).

Police officers can have a high salary.

Police officers can have a high salary. The average salary for police officers is $60,540 (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/protective-service/police-and-detective-academy-instructors.htm). There are many factors that determine what your salary will be as a police officer including education level, experience and type of work you do as well as where you live within California or the United States.

Police officers must have certain qualifications to get hired. In addition to passing physical exams and background checks, police officers must have at least a four-year college degree which is typically obtained through completing an undergraduate degree program such as Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement Studies at community colleges or universities after graduating high school


Police work is a vital aspect of society and it’s important to know how much these jobs pay so you can decide if this career is right for you. The BLS reports that police officers in California make an average annual salary of $84,940, which is higher than the national average salary of $59,560. This type of job may not be right if money isn’t your motivation!

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