Average per hour salary in us

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Just how important is money when making a decision about a career? It may depend on your personality type, or what you are really attempting to do. In this post, I am going to give some information about the average per hour salary in us.

The average per hour salary in the United States is $25.67.

Average per hour salary in us

In this article we will see the minimum wage varies state to state

1. Average per hour salary in us is 36.60$

You can find here the average salary per hour in the United States.

The average hourly rate of 36.60$ allows you to calculate how much time you need to earn a certain amount of money, or what will be your final salary at the end of one hour.

The minimum wage varies from state to state, so make sure you check out this website for more information about it!

2. Minimum wage varies state to state

The federal government mandates a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. However, each state has its own minimum wage policy and it can be higher than the federal one. For example, Washington state has a minimum wage of $11.50 per hour while New York has one at $10.40 per hour (as of December 1st 2019).

The average hourly salary in United States is calculated using the median hourly wages paid by private industries to their employees across all occupations in each industry sector, as well as the mean number of hours worked by full-time employees on an annual basis within each professional category (e.g., Registered Nurses) or industry group (e.g., Transportation Equipment Manufacturing).

1. Minium wage of Montana and Nebraska are lower than the avarage salary

The minimum wage for most workers in the United States is $7.25 per hour. However, some states have a higher minimum wage than others and some even require employers to pay more than the federal minimum wage.

In contrast, the average hourly salary in the United States is $36.60 per hour — meaning that it takes an average worker 17 minutes to earn their next dollar after they’ve worked one hour.


As you can see, the average per hour salary in US is 36.60$. Also you can see that the lowest minimum wage states are Hawaii and California. As a result, I recommend to not to choose those states as your office location if you don’t want to pay your employees more than average salary.

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