Average high school teacher salary in California

Basic salary data for California teachers can be found easily, but data that combines rank, years of experience, certifications and location is hard to come by. That’s what makes this database unique — it is more comprehensive and granular than most existing sources. It has information on 997,020 public school teachers from 3,090 California districts as well as a host of other characteristics from 2013-14. Who knew you could get so much power from a spreadsheet? The database covers educators in grades kindergarten through 12th. You can search for any combination of categories (such as subject taught, district name or the name of a high school) or download the data to work with it in your own programs.

The average high school teacher salary in California is $67,890.

The median salary for California high school teachers is $69,872.

The range of salaries for California high school teachers is between $48,825 and $93,662.

Average high school teacher salary in California

We’re analyzing the data to show you the most important trends and takeaways.

Elementary and middle school teachers in California earned an average salary of $75,230 last year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

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Researchers at WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 29 key indicators of teacher-friendliness.

Researchers at WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 29 key indicators of teacher-friendliness. The data set ranges from share of public school teachers who are highly effective to median elementary school teacher salary.

WalletHub ranked the states based on 21 indicators of teacher-friendly policies and 8 indicators of teacher-friendly conditions. The former includes student-to-teacher ratio, percentage of teachers licensed by their state, average starting salary for teachers as a percentage of per capita income, and whether there is an exit exam required for high school graduation.

Districts were required by a state law last year to provide resources to help develop teachers’ skills in mental health, trauma and suicide prevention.

The law was passed last year as part of a larger bill that included a number of other provisions. The Mental Health and Wellness Act of 2018 was signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in September.

Advocates for teachers say it’s important for educators to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to recognize signs of mental health issues among their students, particularly because many school personnel are employed during summer months when many young people encounter trauma or other difficult situations outside school walls. They also point out that high teacher turnover rates can cause confusion among students about how adults will respond when they need help at school—especially if those adults aren’t trained in mental health issues themselves.

Median annual earnings for high school teachers in 2006-07 were $53,230, according to NCES.

The average annual salary for teachers in California is $75,230.

The average annual salary for teachers in the US is $58,065.

The average annual salary for teachers in California is higher than the average annual salary for teachers in the US.


The median annual earnings for high school teachers in 2006-07 were $53,230, according to NCES. California’s average salary is higher than the national average of $55,100.

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