Average elementary teacher salary in texas

Average Elementary School Teacher Salary in Texas

Elementary school teachers in Texas earned an average salary of $47,750 as of May 2015. The average hourly wage for all elementary school teachers in the state was $22.28. In comparison, secondary school teachers earned an average salary of $48,470 per year.

The cost of living in Texas is higher than the national average, and the state has a lower tax structure than many other states. This can make it more expensive to live and work in Texas without having a higher income.

The average elementary teacher salary in Texas is $31,620. I’ll take care of the math for you: That’s $15.62 per hour, and $3,636 per month10.2% below the state average11. But wait! There’s more! If you haven’t crapped yourself in excitement yet, the total amount for retirement benefits ranges from about $10,200 to a whopping $42,73212. Oof. You just got hustled by a bunch of schoolteachers ’till you cried “uncle” β€” that is, if you’re an uncle (I don’t know your life) β€” and now they’ve stolen your car and your wife says you’re on your own with the kids. You are a sad (ex?)uncle β€” or something like that.

Average elementary teacher salary in texas

This article gives a thorough overview of the average elementary teacher salary in Texas.

The average elementary school teacher salary in Texas is $53,440.

The average elementary school teacher salary in Texas is $53,440.

This data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and represents the median annual wage for elementary teachers as of May 2019. The median hourly wage rate was $24.66, which means that 50% of all elementary teachers earned less than this amount per hour and 50% earned more than this amount per hour.


Texas is a great state to teach in, and it has a lot to offer. It’s no surprise so many teachers want to work there! With this information on hand, you can now make an informed decision on where you want to start your teaching career.

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