Austin Peay State University Online Mlt To Mls

Allied Health students perform experiments in Sundquist lab

Medical Laboratory Science: Concentration MLT to MLS

120Total Credit Hours4Full-Time Faculty

Why study Medical Laboratory Science: Concentration  MLT to MLS at APSU?

Transition from MLT to MLS/MT in as few as 11 months with credit for work experience in a 100% online program! Laboratory professionals who earn a Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science enjoy greater opportunities for career advancement; increased earning potential; and career opportunities such as management, research, forensics, laboratory information systems, and technical service and sales positions. Our graduates have been accepted to medical school, physician assistant programs, and other graduate degrees. Our low faculty to student ratio (approximately 1:15) provides ample support for online learning.

What will I learn?

Students in our program complete two courses each eight weeks plus two courses in our summer session for a total of ten courses (30 semester credit hours).  The curriculum includes molecular diagnostics, clinical chemistry, hematology, immunology, immunohematology, laboratory management, urinalysis/body fluids, parasitology/mycology/virology, bacteriology, and a Board of Certification review course. ToggleSample 4-year Course Plan

2021 Medical Laboratory Science: MLT to MLS, BSMLS

2020 Medical Laboratory Science: MLT to MLS, BSMLS

2019 Medical Laboratory Science: MLT to MLS, BSMLS

2018 Medical Laboratory Science: MLT to MLS, BSMLSToggleMedical LaborFreshmen SeminarToggleGeneral Education Core

The general education core is designed to develop critical competencies in written communication, oral communication, mathematical analysis, and critical thinking skills. This program requires specific prerequisite courses which are detailed on the sample 4-year plan. In addition to the general education core which is required for all students, specific program prerequisites include: BIOL 2010/11 Human anatomy and physiology, CHEM 1110/11 General chemistry, BIOL 2300/01 microbiology, MATH 1710/1730/ or 1530, and approximately 28 semester credit hours MLT transfer coursework from a NAACLS accredited program. Due to MT licensure requirements in the state of Tennessee, additional biology and chemistry prerequisites are required for residents of Tennessee.

What engagement opportunities are available to APSU students?

ToggleOrganizations and Honor Societies

APSU fosters a positive campus environment that encourages active participation in university life. Students majoring in Medical Laboratory Science are encouraged to join the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Student Forum which can be found on the University’s PeayLink website.  The APSU MLS program also offers the Robert T. Crews Scholarship annually.  All students who have been accepted to the MLS program may apply. Please see our web site for further information on this scholarship.ToggleHigh Impact Practices (HIP)

What Do Medical Laboratory Science: Concentration MLT to MLS Majors Do After Graduation?

Upon completion of the MLT to MLS program, graduates are eligible to sit for national certification exams offered by the ASCP Board of Certification and by AMT.  Medical Laboratory Scientists work in hospital laboratories, forensic science, toxicology, public health, transplant/transfusion service, fertility clinics, physician office laboratories, reference laboratories, veterinary diagnostics, quality control, laboratory information systems, technical service and instrument sales. Graduates may also pursue advanced degrees or enter medical school, physician assistant, and other healthcare professional degree programs. 

Professional Licensure Disclosure

Students should be aware that licensure and certification requirements vary from state to state and are subject to change. Licensing agencies or boards also may have requirements in addition to an earned degree. APSU has not made a determination whether APSU’s programs will meet all of the licensure and certification requirements in each US state or territory.  APSU recommends that students who are not Tennessee residents or who plan to seek licensure or certification outside the state of Tennessee contact the appropriate licensing agency or board before they enroll in an academic program designed to lead to licensure or certification and discuss their plans with an advisor.

Please visit the Professional Licensure Disclosure webpage to review specific licensure information for your state and academic program.

Laboratory Technician to Medical Laboratory Scientist/Medical Technologist (MLT to MLS/MT) Program
Allied Health students studying in a lab

Through APSU’s MLT to MLS/MT program, in-state students can complete the Bachelor of Science: Medical Laboratory Science for about $10,500*. Out-of-state students taking exclusively online classes pay approximately $15,700* thanks to APSU’s e-rate.
Transition from MLT to MLS/MT in as few as 11 months!

This program will allow you to

  • Earn credit for work experience
  • Complete all courses online at times convenient to your schedule
  • Prepare to take an examination to become a certified medical laboratory scientist
  • Advance into an MLS/MT position, earning an estimated $13,644 (based on Bureau of Labor Statistics Data) more per year and enjoying greater career opportunities
  • Take courses – and apply for financial aid – as a full-time student

OnlineComplete online courses at your convenienceCreditEarn credit for work experienceCertifyPrepare to take an exam to become a certified medical laboratory scientistToggleChanges to Tennessee Licensure

Medical Technologist licensure in Tennessee effective April 2019:

Reinterpretation of Medical Laboratory Technologist Qualifications per Rule 1200-06-01-.22(1)(a)(2)(i) If an applicant: 
1-has obtained a baccalaureate degree and 
2-has completed a NAACLS accredited MT/MLS program and 
3-has passed a board approved national certification examination. 

The requirements are met for licensure as a medical laboratory Technologist in Tennessee. The 16 (biology), 16 (chemistry), 3 (math) requirement only pertains to those applicants who do not meet all three of the requirements above.

Program Requirements

  1. Completion of the program application. This is a separate process from applying to Austin Peay State University.  We accept applications exclusively through the AHCAS web portal:
  2. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale.  Program admission is competitive.
  3. Students must have completed a NAACLS accredited MLT program including clinical rotations in all major laboratory areas:  hematology, chemistry, immunohematology, and microbiology. Courses must transfer to APSU.
  4. Student must have at least two years’ work experience (minimum 4,000 working hours) as a nationally certified MLT (ASCP, AMT, or similar) in an accredited laboratory (accreditation by CLIA, CAP, or similar)
    1. Work experience must be complete by August 1 of the year the student begins the MLS program.
    2. APSU will grant 17 credit hours for this work experience toward your BS degree
    3. Experience may be in any section of the laboratory
    4. No clinical rotations are required as part of the MLT-MT program as this is fulfilled by work experience.
  5. Students must meet all physical and technical standards.
  6. Students must complete all required pre-requisite coursework as discussed below.  All pre-requisites must be complete before the student can begin the MLS program.
  7. All students are required to complete the ASCP Board of Certification review course during the final semester of the program.

Prerequisite CoursesPlease refer to the APSU core graduation requirements website for general education core course options in history, fine arts, and social sciences. Only the science and math prerequisites listed below are acceptable for this program.  

  1. Six (6) semester credit hours US, Tennessee, or World History
  2. Two (2) fine arts courses from two different departments (Performance/studio courses are not acceptable.)
  3. Two (2) social sciences from two different departments 
  4. Three (3) English courses (composition I and II and world literature)
  5. Human anatomy and physiology I lecture and lab BIOL 2010/11
  6. Human anatomy and physiology II lecture and lab BIOL 2020/21
  7. General chemistry I lecture and lab for science majors (CHEM 1110/11)
  8. General chemistry II lecture and lab for science majors (CHEM 1120/21)
  9. Public speaking/oral communication (COMM 2045)
  10. College algebra/precalculus (MATH 1710 or 1730) (DSPM, intermediate, basic, and remedial courses are NOT accepted) 
  11. Students must have completed at least 120 semester credit hours after completion of our on-line program (30 coursework credits plus 17 work experience credits).  This means that you must have completed at least 73 semester credit hours before starting the program.

Note:  The only pre-requisite courses that are required for MLT professionals who hold a Bachelor’s Degree are US/World History I and II (six semester credit hours), college algebra, A&P I and II lecture and lab, and general chemistry I and II lecture and lab. 

All pre-requisite courses (with the exception of chemistry prerequisites) are available online at APSU, making it easy to complete any missing general education core course requirements.


Tuition for the 2021-22 academic year will be about $15,900 for out of state students (e-rate), or $10,620 in state*  (Tuition rates are subject to change.) Tuition is paid by the semester and installment payment plans are available.  Students can calculate the tuition for our program by using the online Student Account Services & Cashier’s Office (formerly Bursar’s office) tuition and fee schedules.  Twelve hours are completed in fall and 12 hours in spring.  Six hours are completed in summer.  Tuition is paid per semester.  Additional costs for missing pre-requisite courses will apply based on the tuition and fee schedule.  Please call the Student Account Services & Cashier’s office to request further information on tuition costs (931) 221-6285.

Financial Aid

Students are eligible for federal financial aid and each student is responsible for filing his or her own FAFSA. Students should contact the APSU Office of Financial Aid for additional information. 

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