Austin Peay Associates Degree

Associate Degrees

Department of Leadership & Organizational Administration
Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Management Technology

Concentration: Management Technology
Advisor:  Dr. Robert Halliman –(931) 221-1425,
Department of Leadership & Organizational Administration- (931) 221-1465

Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Management Technology

Concentration: Restaurant Management
Emphasis I:   Food Service
Emphasis II:  Culinary Arts
Advisor:  Dr. William Rayburn- (931) 221-6377, 
Department of Leadership & Organizational Administration- (931) 221-1465

Austin Peay Center @ Ft. Campbell
Associate of Science (A.S.) in Liberal Arts
Advisor:  Michele Jones– (931) 221-1454 or (931) 221-1400,
Advisor:  Tina Zanders – (931) 221-1455 or (931) 221-1400, 
Advisor: Marisa Roberts–(931) 221-1460 or (931) 221-1400,  
Advisor: Ben Drummond– (931) 221-1457 or (931) 221-1400,   

 Department of Engineering Technology                                                                                                           Chairperson: Ravi Manimaran- (931) 221-1499                                                                                                  Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Engineering Technology
Concentration: Automotive Engineering Technology
Advisor:  John Byrd –(931) 221-1456,
Department of Engineering Technology – (931) 221-1470

Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Engineering Technology
Concentration: Construction Engineering Technology
Advisor:  Matthew Anderson- (931) 221-1491, 
Department of Engineering Technology – (931) 221-1470

Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Engineering Technology
Concentration: Electronics Engineering Technology
Advisor:  Adel Salama – (931) 221-1427,
Department of Engineering Technology – (931) 221-1470

class picture

ToggleAssociate Degree

Austin Peay offers high school students the opportunity to complete an Associate Degree while in high school. This can be accomplished in four ways: 1) completely online 2) on campus 3) a combination of on campus and online 4) a combination of online and at the student’s high school.

The Associate of Science Liberal Arts degree requires 41 credit hours of core requirements and 18 hours of electives. It is hoped that students can complete many of the 18 elective hours in their intended major; the dual enrollment office will work with students, parents and counselors to ensure students enroll in viable courses.

Although it is possible to complete, the Associate Degree while in high school, students would need to take an average of 10 hours per semester (three to four classes), including summer after the sophomore year and summer after the junior year. Depending on the student’s previous high school courses, courses taken would count for high school and college credits or for college credits only.

Any previously earned college credits through a regionally accredited institution will transfer to APSU and count toward the hours required for the Associate Degree. Advance Placement scores must meet APSU requirements to be included; scores would need to be received directly from the College Board. The total amount of credit earned through Advance Placement is limited to one-half of the total number of credits required for the degree sought.ToggleDistrict Collaborative

Austin Peay is working with various counties to offer dual enrollment at a central location in the county during the academic year; summer offerings are on the APSU campus.

Students participating in the collaborative are enrolled in nine to ten credit hours (three to four classes) per semester. Courses are taught on site by an APSU faculty member or online at the central location. Students are expected to enroll in all courses offered at the site for a particular semester but are not obligated to enroll in every semester; summer, fall and spring offerings are available. Transportation matters are the decision of the school system in consultation with APSU.

Either option allows students to jumpstart their college education at a savings of more than 50 percent of regular college tuition.

Please note that in order to participate in the district collaborative, students must have college-level math, reading and English scores to enroll in the first summer set of classes.

Although the plans are designed primarily for rising juniors who will participate in the collaborative for two years, rising seniors may enroll in courses that are applicable to their needs and that will work with their high school schedule. Enrolling as a rising senior will not result in an Associate’s Degree.

Scholarship Opportunity!

APSU student with sunglasses

Effective Fall 2020, graduating high school students who have earned their Associate of Science in Liberal Arts degree through the Austin Peay State University dual enrollment program are eligible for a $1000 one-time scholarship if they enroll full-time at Austin Peay State University directly after high school to pursue a bachelor’s degree. 

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