dental schools in ct

Dental Schools in Connecticut provide the classroom training and hands-on experience required to become a Dentist, one of the best paying healthcare occupations in the United States. Dental Schools in Connecticut provide laboratory and classroom instruction in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, radiography, histology, periodontology (the study of oral disease and health), and related sciences integral to understanding dental health conditions. Dental Schools in Connecticut supplement classroom instruction with extensive clinical practice where students work with patients under the supervision of a licensed dentist.

All nine dental specialties require dentists to complete additional training before practicing that specialty. They must usually take a 1- or 2-year residency in a program related to their specialty.

Dentists who wantto teach or research full time usually spend an additional 2 to 5 years in advanced dental training. Many practicing dentists also teach part time, including supervising students in dental school clinics.

In addition, a dentist who wants to practice in one of the nine specialties that all states recognize must have a license in that specialty. This usually requires 2 to 4 years of additional education after dental school and, in some cases, the completion of a special state exam. A postgraduate residency term also may be required, usually lasting up to 2 years. Learn about the admission requirements, training and career development support offered by Dental Schools in Connecticut:
University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine

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Coordinates41.7308°N 72.7903°W

TypePublic university
DeanSteven Lepowsky
LocationFarmingtonConnecticut, U.S.

University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine is a school of dentistry located at the UConn Health Center in Farmington, Connecticut, United States. The school is often placed highly in national rankings, and was ranked #1 by the National Board Dental Examiners in 2001 based on the board scores of students. During the 2013-2014 application year, approximately 1,300 applications were received. Of these, 160 were interviewed and offers were eventually made to approximately 80, for an acceptance rate of around 6%.[1]



University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine includes the following departments:[2]

  • Department of Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences
  • Department of Reconstructive Sciences
  • Department of Craniofacial Sciences

Department of Craniofacial Sciences include the divisions of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, Advanced Education in General Dentistry, and Orthodontics.


University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine is currently accredited by the ADA.[3]

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