Artificial Intelligence Entry Level Jobs

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of study focused on the design and development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and translation between languages. Many companies are turning to AI to help them make better decisions and automate complex processes.

This is why there are more job opportunities in this field than ever before. Companies like [company name] are hiring people with AI experience to help them improve their products and services. If you’re interested in working in this exciting industry, here are some things you should know about the opportunities available for entry-level AI jobs:

What types of companies use AI?

Some people think of Artificial Intelligence as something only large corporations can afford or use effectively. But many smaller companies also depend on it for critical operations—and they need people with AI skills to help them get the most out of their investments.

What types of jobs are available?

Software developers who specialize in artificial intelligence software can find jobs at every level: from entry-level positions on up through senior management roles where they’ll be responsible for developing new software solutions or overseeing existing ones

Artificial Intelligence Entry Level Jobs

AI specialists can find positions such as machine learning engineers, information research scientists, and data analysts.

Developments in AI impact nearly every industry and organization. The government uses AI in data analysis to detect and counteract threats. Nonprofits adapt AI technology to spread awareness of ongoing water crises and other causes through chatbots. From household products like Amazon’s Alexa to developments in medical diagnosis, AI reaches across every field.

Developments in AI impact nearly every industry and organization.

Many AI positions concentrate in cities that already feature a thriving tech industry. The cities with the largest job concentrations include Seattle, New York, and San Francisco. While remote positions exist, applicants may find more open positions in urban areas.

The organizations below curate development in AI and reveal how the tech applies to multiple disciplines.


The tech and social media giant uses AI in its Oculus virtual reality products and software. With an emphasis on computer vision, the AI in Oculus headsets recognizes and tracks hand movement through cameras to interact with the virtual world.


The online retailer develops natural language processing and speech analysis software for its Alexa digital assistant products. As a conversational AI system, Alexa learns new speech patterns to adjust to each customer.


The renowned researchers of space began developing AI systems to help process and organize the overwhelming amount of data in the universe. NASA hopes to create a system to determine habitable planets based on the chemical makeup of wavelengths of light .


Tesla’s self-driving software relies heavily on AI development and machine learning. The AI processes information such as traffic laws, street markings, and external cameras to perceive the road and respond to real-time events.


Ezra combines AI with MRI technology to help detect cancer earlier and more accurately. The AI provides a more accurate 3-D rendering of internal organs and segments image scans to help radiologists identify abnormalities.

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Artificial Intelligence Career and Salary Outlook

The high demand for qualified AI specialists rewards experts in the field with lucrative pay rates and considerable freedom. Employees seeking variety can potentially jump from opportunity to opportunity with the right experience.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 15% increase in computer and information research jobs from 2019-29, which includes positions in AI. The median annual salary for this role reached $126,830 as of May 2020, with the potential to earn more in managerial roles.

Likewise, the PayScale reports for machine learning engineers show the profitability of a job in AI. As of July 2021, the average annual salary for these engineers reached $112,930. The annual average salary for entry-level machine learning engineers sits at $93,340 while the reports from late-career employees (20+ years experience) show an average of $162,000.

Different specializations, especially when working on AI for different industries, can impact the expected salary. While earning a degree helps applicants find a job in the field, experience may matter more in the long run.

Machine Learning Engineers

Annual Median Salary


Source: BLS

How to Break Into the Field of AI

While plenty of AI careers exist, breaking into the field might take some time. Some experts recommend pursuing a postgraduate degree for structured learning, networking, and recognition in the field. However, the value of a strong portfolio continues to increase. Prior experience in programming or tech development can turn an applicant into a new hire.

All AI-focused positions require advanced levels of tech knowledge and programming skills. That said, AI professionals can benefit greatly from a background in other fields like psychology. In all cases, experts recommend following the flow of cutting-edge technology to stay on top of developments in the industry.

Required Education

Many employers prefer applicants with a master’s degree in computer science or higher. Traditional education can provide a strong framework for a career in AI. Earning a postgraduate degree can also help you apply a fresh, well-rounded perspective to AI. A strong portfolio and previous experience in programming may suffice in lieu of a postgraduate degree. However, many students find networking easier within the context of graduate-level education.

Along with traditional education, prospective employees in the field can take professional development courses such as bootcamps. Bootcamps can expand a worker’s programming skills, and some organizations like Springboard offer AI programs.Best Coding Bootcamp ProgramsBest Computer Science Bachelor’s ProgramsBest Master’s Degree Programs in Computer Science

Required Coursework

The curriculum for AI education varies depending on the school and type of degree. A general computer science degree provides a holistic understanding of technology, but offers fewer AI classes. In comparison, a specialized degree in AI can offer an in-depth study of the field, with a reduced focus on other areas of computer science.

However, some topics tend to remain consistent across multiple curriculums. The examples below highlight the type of AI courses you can expect while researching educational programs.

  • Principles and Techniques of AI: This course demystifies the field of AI by introducing the basic theories and design of modern AI systems. Students engage with machine and deep learning through examples of AI systems encountered in everyday life. Participants also explore basic algorithm design and testing.
  • Computer Vision and Image Processing: As the title implies, this course covers computer vision in AI. Students learn the basics of image processing and recognition, including applications for neural networks. Participants use industry-standard software while exploring concepts like image classification, detection, and segmentation.
  • Natural Language Processing in Deep Learning: Natural language processing explores how neural systems understand human language. This course combines linguistics and cutting-edge computer science to develop systems that can process and evolve with human language.
  • Algorithms and Implementation in Deep Learning Systems: This class covers advanced programming and software engineering in AI. Students learn full-stack programming in relation to deep learning and develop models from scratch. At the end of the course, participants create a deep learning library, including working models of sequential tasks and image classification.
  • Machine Learning Ethics and Society: Students in this course learn to navigate difficult moral choices in the field and employ ethical techniques for AI development. Participants examine how AI can exacerbate current issues in society, such as discrimination or violations of privacy. This course prepares enrollees to avoid these issues and handle new ones as the ethical challenges of AI evolve with the industry.

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