What are good careers for felons

Finding out what are good careers for felons is an important question and one that needs to be answered. This is because if you or your loved one is a felon and you don’t know what are good careers for felons, it stands to reason that you have no idea how you can continue to make a living now that you have a felony record. Fortunately, there are numerous options available to felons in the modern job market.

Good careers for felons depend on their level of education, skills and interests. Many felons have some form of post-secondary education, but are unable to practice their chosen profession because of the felony conviction. The best career for felons with college degrees is teaching. Teaching requires a master’s degree, but the felony conviction does not have to be disclosed in most cases.

For those who do not have college degrees, the best career for felons is working with animals. Veterinarians and animal care workers work with animals all day long and generally love what they do. This is a great occupation for people who want to work outdoors or who enjoy being around animals.

Some employers are willing to hire felons if they can’t find anyone else to fill a position. This usually only happens when there’s an economic downturn and unemployment is high. Some employers may also hire felons if they’re desperate for workers in their fields or want someone with specialized skills that are hard to find elsewhere on short notice (like doctors).

What are good careers for felons


A felony conviction can be a barrier to employment. If you’re looking for jobs for felons, the good news is that there are plenty of options out there. Jobs for felons range from unskilled labor to professional careers. Many entry-level jobs hire felons, and certain skilled trade jobs will be available to felons as well. For example, if you’re interested in working in construction or plumbing, these industries have a high rate of employing convicted felons. There are also many jobs that don’t require any specialized education or training (and they may not even perform background checks), such as food service worker, delivery job driver, and security guard job positions. It’s important to remember that some types of criminal convictions may limit your opportunities; however, some states have “ban the box” laws which prohibit employers from asking about your criminal history on an initial job application. Since every state has its own laws regarding employment disclosure requirements, it’s best to check with your local government first before applying for any type of work as a felon. And remember: if you’ve been convicted of a felony crime but were recently released on parole or probation, you may be eligible for additional assistance through vocational rehabilitation programs or job training programs provided by non-profit organizations and community centers throughout your area!

Education and Training to Become a Building Maintenance Worker

A building maintenance worker is an occupation that requires a high school diploma or equivalent, some postsecondary education or training, certification and on-the-job training.

What Is the Job Outlook for a Building Maintenance Worker?

The job outlook for a building maintenance worker is good. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that employment growth for this occupation will be about as fast as the average for all occupations through 2024, when it is expected to reach nearly 2 million workers. This represents a growth rate of 8% during this period — which is faster than the average growth rate of 7%.

Job prospects should be best in places with large populations, particularly those with older buildings (which will require more upkeep). For example, California’s high-rise buildings tend to offer opportunities for maintenance work.

What Are the Qualifications Needed?

In order to become a construction worker, you will need a high school diploma or GED. You should also have previous experience in construction, maintenance or repair. If you don’t have any experience, don’t worry — there are plenty of opportunities for apprenticeships that offer this training.

You’ll need to pass basic safety training as well as familiarize yourself with the tools used on the job site (including hand and power tools). Construction workers must be able to lift heavy objects and work outdoors in all kinds of weather conditions — rain or shine! They often work long hours in physically demanding positions, so strength and stamina are important traits for this position.

How Much Does a Building Maintenance Worker Make?

Building maintenance workers earn an average salary of $45,000 a year. The highest paid 10 percent of building maintenance workers in America make more than $60,000 a year and the lowest paid 10 percent make less than $40,000 per year.

You can expect to earn between $30,000 and $70,000 per year as a building maintenance worker depending on where you live in the country and what type of company you work for.

What Is the Job Description of a Building Maintenance Worker?

A building maintenance worker is responsible for cleaning and repairing buildings. They perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Cleaning and repairing plumbing, heating and electrical systems
  • Cleaning and repairing windows and doors
  • Cleaning and repairing roofs
  • Cleaning and repairing floors
  • Cleaning and repairing walls
  • Cleaning and repairing ceilings

How Do You Become a Building Maintenance Worker?

To become a building maintenance worker, you’ll need to meet certain requirements. You’ll need to be able to lift 50 pounds and work in all kinds of weather. You’ll also need to be able to do physical labor for long hours and work all kinds of shifts.

You should have a high school diploma or GED before you start this career.

Building maintenance workers are worth considering as a career option

Building maintenance workers are worth considering as a career option. There are many benefits to working as a building maintenance worker, including:

  • Average salary range of $43,000 – $71,000 per year in the U.S. according to PayScale.
  • Great benefits packages and health insurance plans that can include dental and vision coverage too!
  • Excellent work-life balance because you will have plenty of time off during the week (and on weekends), so there’s plenty of room for leisure activities like watching movies or playing video games with friends/family members at home during your free time after work hours end each day at 4pm sharp every single day Monday through Friday without fail every year without exception forevermore no matter what happens because nothing ever changes at all forever more… ever… ever…


If you are a felon looking for a job, the good news is there are several options out there. Most jobs will not discriminate against felons, but there are some that do. The best way to find out if you qualify for certain positions is by doing research and asking questions before applying so that you don’t waste your time and energy on something which may not be possible for someone with a criminal record.

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