how to become a drill sergeant

You never forget your drill sergeants. They made your life a living hell, kept you from sleeping, and probably cleaned out your lockers more than a few times. Despite all the hell they put you through, many come to appreciate their DS’s in the long run. Although each had their own unique brand of torture, here are the 5 most common Drill Sergeants you may have run into during basic training.

1.) The One From Another Branch

Marine Drill Sergeants in a Basic Training Yearbook
Marine Drill Sergeants. Photo Courtesy of

So, you joined the Navy, that means you get Navy Drill Sergeants, right? Wrong.

If you rolled up to basic training thinking this, you may have been surprised to find a hardass Marine DS smoking you on day 1.

Reconnect with your ArmyNavyMarine CorpsAir Force, or USCG Drill Sergeants by searching their units.

2.) The Airborne One

US Military Boot Camp/Basic Training Photo.
Photo Courtesy of

These guys jumped out of planes for a living, so no, they can’t really sympathize with your fear of heights or the confidence course.

Find Your Airborne Drill Sergeant Here.

3.) The Ranger/Special Forces One

US Military Drill Sergeant Standing in Front of a Tank.
Photo Courtesy of

These guys had absolutely no patience for some scraggly recruit complaining about doing the duck walk. Do it right the first time, recruit.

Find your Ranger DS Here.

4.) The Vietnam Veteran

US Army Drill Sergeant DS School Photo.
US Army Drill Sergeant. Photo Courtesy of

These guys demanded respect, and you were sure to give it to them.

There was never a DS as hard as a Vietnam Veteran, because they knew the how high the stakes were when it came to turning you into the best Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman, or Coastguardsman that you could possibly be.

Find & Upload Images from Boot Camp Here.

5.) The One Who Lived to Smoke You

US Army Hellhounds Drill Sergeant.
US Army Drill Sergeant. Photo Courtesy of

Look at this guy the wrong way, and be prepared to have sore muscles for a few days afterwards.

Although they were hardasses, if you got their approval, you knew you were doing it 100% right.

So, did you have just one of these, or some combination of the five?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your old Drill Instructors. Most are delighted to hear from their old trainees, and some people have even gone on to have lifelong friends in their Drill Sergeants.

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