nagoya university graduate admission

Nagoya University is a very popular university in Japan. Each year, there are more than 18,000 applicants. And only 3,000 students can get in. So it’s very easy to be rejected. However, Nagoya University offers one of the most generous acceptance rate among national universities in Japan!

Right here on Collegelearners, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on nagoya university requirements for international students, nagoya university tuition fees for international students, nagoya university acceptance rate, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

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Nagoya University Graduate Admission


Nagoya University has a 144-year history, dating from when the Temporary Medical School/Public Hospital — the forerunner of today’s Nagoya University — was established in 1871. The University became the last Imperial University of Japan in 1939, and the educational reforms in 1949 led to the beginning of Nagoya University under the new education system.Show less


Based on a tradition of open-mindedness that transcends existing boundaries, NU’ s academic culture encourages (1) the development of actual products via the application of technologies, (2) the design of practical systems and novel structures, and (3) the nurturing of young minds and original talents that will go on to establish new academic disciplines and global industries. Our overarching aim is to cultivate future leaders who are endowed with true courage and intellect.Show less


In order to pursue ethical research activities, Nagoya University set up the Responsible Person for Ethical Research and the Ethical Research Committee. Also, it laid down the measures to be taken when research misconduct occurs.Research misconduct means intentional figment, tampering, and fraudulent use in application, implementation, reporting, or examination of a research. Any person who suspects research dishonesty in Nagoya University may make the allegation regardless of whether the person is internal or external to the University.Show less


At the Career Services Office, students can freely browse career-related materials and publications and use computers connected to the Internet.

Master’s Programmes

Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Automotive Engineering

Biological and Bioagricultural Sciences


Global Environmental Leaders

Physics and Mathematics

Engineering & Technology (4)
Automotive Engineering

Biological and Bioagricultural Sciences

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Global Environmental Leaders

Social Sciences (4)
Comparative Law and Politics

Economics and Business Administration

International Development and Cooperation

Japan in Asia Cultural Studies

Business & Management (2)
Economics and Business Administration

Young Leaders – Healthcare Administration

GPA Requirement

Applicants are required to have a cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) of 2.0 or higher (4.0 scale) .

Application Timeline

SemesterMonthThings to do
FallMarch 31Application deadline for Fall Semester
Mid-MayReceive an acceptance package from NUFS
Late June to Mid-JulyReceive a CoE from NUFS
Mid-JulyDeadline for submission of Arrival flight information
Mid-July to Early AugustApply for a student visa at the Embassy of Japan
Late AugustArrive in Japan
SpringOctober 31Application deadline for Spring Semester
Mid-DecemberReceive an acceptance package from NUFS
Late January to Mid-FebruaryReceive a CoE from NUFS
Late FebruaryDeadline for submission of Arrival flight information
Mid-February to Early MarchApply for a student visa at the Embassy of Japan
Late MarchArrive in Japan


The Exchange Student Nomination is the first step for students from exchange partner institutions wishing to spend one semester or one academic year at the Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (NUFS). Nominations must be submitted by the exchange coordinator at the sending institution on behalf of each student seeking an exchange placement. Please fill out the Nomination Sheet received from NUFS and send it to the International Office

STEP 1 – Application –

After gaining nomination from the home university, students need to download the application package for the program of their choice, and start working on the following application documents and submit all of them by the deadline to
The application documents vary slightly depending on the program, so please download the right application package.
Please make sure to write your name and home institution’s name in the email.

Application Documents

01. Application Form
* please submit in the excel (.xlsx) format, not other file types such as .pdf, .ods, .numbers, etc.

02. Passport Copy of the front information page
* If you have visited Japan in the past, please also submit a copy of the pages with the visa stamps. If your visa stamps are on your old passport, please also submit the information page and visa stamps pages of your old passport.

03. Portrait Photograph;
・In color.
・Only the applicant.
・Taken within the past 3 months, showing current appearance.
・Do not wear a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hair line.
・Full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background.
・There should be spaces above and beside the face.
・Head size and position: The head should be about 2.5cm from chin to the top of your head.
・in jpeg or jpg format.
・Photo file size must be under 50KB, and at 330 pixels wide x 440 pixels in height (3 x 4 cm) .

04. Official Academic Transcript
* Including explanation of the grading system.

05. Bank Statement
* Please provide a bank statement, a letter from your bank confirming your funds, or a certificate of deposit. This document is required to show that you have adequate funds for your stay in Japan. It must have been issued no earlier than 3 months before the application deadline.
* The minimum required balance should amount to 40,000 yen for each month;
  ■ Study period of 1 academic semester: 40,000 yen x 5 months = 200,000 yen
  ■ Study period of 1 academic year: 40,000 yen x 10 months = 400,000 yen
* If your parents pay for your living expenses during your studying abroad at NUFS, we can accept the bank statement of your parent’s deposit. In this case, please submit the document certifying parent-child relationship as well.

06. Medical Information Form
* Please submit the scanned pdf of the original filled out by a physician.
* Students with preexisting medical conditions should make sure to stay in touch with the physician in charge of their treatment in the home country, as some medical services or treatments may not be available in Japan.

07. Medical Liability Release Agreement
* Please submit a written agreement for the medical condition, treatment, and medication listed on the Medical Information Form.
* You do not need to submit this agreement in case no condition, treatment or medication has been mentioned in the Medical Information Form.

08. Personal Reference
* It must be filled out by your instructor, academic/student advisor, or coordinator at your home university.

09. NUFS International Exchange Student Scholarship Application Form
* Please read “Regulations Governing Nagoya University of Foreign Studies Non-Degree Exchange Student Scholarships” before applying for the scholarship.

10. Housing Application Form;
* All exchange students are required to live in our dormitories. We provide single rooms only.

11. Copy of JLPT Certificate;
* Only applicants to the “Study Abroad Program at NUFS Undergraduate and Graduate Schools” should submit this certificate.
* N2 level or higher certificate is required for undergraduate courses, and N1 level certificate is required for graduate school courses.

STEP 2 – Acceptance Package –

After the documents from STEP 2 have been successfully processed, the acceptance package will be sent out to you by email. It will be sent between mid-May and mid-June for the fall semester and between mid-December and mid-January for the spring semester.
Once you have received the Package, please read the documents carefully and follow the necessary procedures.

STEP 3 – Student Visa –

NUFS will apply for Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) on your behalf to the Nagoya Regional Immigration Services Bureau. This will be your supporting document for your student visa. Once the application has been completed, we will send the CoE to your home university by express airmail in June or July for the fall semester and in January or February for the spring semester. With the CoE, you need to apply for your student visa at a Japanese embassy/consulate nearest to your place of residence prior to your arrival in Japan.
For details on applying for a student visa, please check the website of the embassy or consulate, and if you have any questions, please contact them directly.

STEP 4 – Depart for Japan –

Once you have received the Japanese student visa and your flight ticket has been booked, you’re all set. Have a safe trip and see you in Nagoya!

Nagoya University Global 30 International Programs

nagoya university tuition fees for international students

Estimated Costs

FeesEstimated Amount
Non-refundable application and maintenance fee for NUFS dormitories10,000 JPY/upon move-in only
Rent35,000 JPY/month including utilities
Rental bedding (if needed)6,600 JPY/once only
Text books15,000 JPY-30,000 JPY (varies depending on classes)
National Health Insurance1,000 JPY-2,000 JPY/month
Personal Expenses including meals10,000 JPY-50,000 JPY (varies depending on your lifestyle)
Total133,600 JPY (Maximum)
Short Course) Nagoya University Short-Term Online Japanese Language Program  (NUSTEP) for Spring 2022 – Office of International Affairs

nagoya university acceptance rate

Automotive Engineering (Mechanical)6%<5%6%10%7%
Automotive Engineering (Electrical, Electronic/Information)5%7%4%5%6%
Physics (School of Science)26%15%13%13%13%
Chemistry (School of Science)32%8%21%19%17%
Chemistry (School of Engineering)6%9%5%11%13%
Biology (School of Science)10%10%9%10%8%
Biology (School of Agriculture)31%19%13%20%19%
Social Sciences (School of Law)28%29%27%29%21%
Social Sciences (School of Economics)9%13%13%9%7%
Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies21%15%13%27%17%

 Note: The rate is calculated based on the number of applicants who were admitted to their first program choice.

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