12 Week Paramedic Program

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The 12 Week Paramedic Program is designed to prepare you to become a paramedic. It’s the perfect program if you’ve always wanted to help others in the community, but didn’t know where to start. The 12 week Paramedic program is offered at North Georgia Technical College. In addition to the necessary education, students will train in a variety of settings, including hospitals and ambulance service. Students are prepared for National Registry certification through the completion of an internship and several exams.

As a paramedic, your job is to provide emergency medical care and transport patients to hospitals. You’ll need to be patient and compassionate, as well as able to think quickly in tough situations. The average paramedic salary is $35,000 per year, with room for growth as you gain experience.

The 12 Week Paramedic Program covers everything from CPR and first aid training, all the way up through advanced medical procedures like intubation. The course also includes an introduction to anatomy and physiology so that you can understand why certain techniques work when they should—and why they don’t!

You’ll learn how to handle stressful situations safely while still caring for every patient with dignity and respect. This certification will allow you to work in any state in America as long as you meet state requirements for licensing.

Paramedic training program


The EMS field is one that has grown tremendously over the last few decades. As the population continues to increase, so does the need for emergency medical services professionals.

In order to become an EMT or paramedic, you must first complete a training program that will prepare you for this tough job. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) requires all EMTs and paramedics to pass a test in order to obtain certification. The NREMT tests include knowledge and skills in patient assessment, lifesaving interventions and diagnostic procedures as well as practical skills such as CPR and basic airway management techniques. Many states also require their paramedics to be licensed by passing written exams after completing their training program at a nationally accredited institution such as CENCO Institute Inc., which is where our 12-week Paramedic Program takes place in Fort Lauderdale Florida!

EMTs & Paramedics:

  • Work closely with doctors or nurses during patient care
  • Treat patients with life-threatening conditions immediately after being injured until they reach a hospital setting where doctors can take over treatment

Patient Assessment

Patient assessment is the most important part of any paramedic’s job. It’s what determines whether or not you’re able to give the proper care a patient needs and how much time you’ll have to do so. A good assessment will allow you to plan out your course of action, whether it be transporting the patient, performing emergency surgery on them in an ambulance or having them admitted into a hospital for further treatment.

Here are some general guidelines for making sure your patient assessment is complete:

  • Start off by taking a look at their airway, breathing and circulation (ABC). This means checking their mouth for foreign objects or vomit; listening with your stethoscope for heart rate and breathing sounds; feeling around their neck with two fingers (the carotid arteries) before moving on down towards their chest area; listening again as you take breaths into one nostril while blocking off both nostrils using index fingers (this will let you hear if there’s any congestion present); pressing firmly upon ankles while holding onto upper thighs during this process so as not to move legs too far out of position; feeling up along each limb until reaching shoulders then back down again until reaching hips/pelvis area – all this should happen within about 15 seconds since blood doesn’t flow directly from heart through lungs but rather circulates around body via arteries first before being “pumped” back into heart by way of veins after being filtered through alveoli structures inside lungs!



  • Assess for signs of airway obstruction. Obstructions can be either external or internal. External obstructions are typically seen in trauma patients who have suffered an injury to the neck, head and/or facial region. These injuries may cause bruising or swelling that blocks the airway from the mouth, nose or pharynx (back of throat). It is important to note that not all patients who have had trauma will have an obvious sign of injury due to these types of injuries being internal as well. On the other hand, internal blockages occur when there has been damage done within the body (such as a stroke) which affects how we breathe and swallow our food properly. This type of obstruction occurs when there is a buildup of mucus in your windpipe or lungs making it difficult for you to breath properly without coughing up this mucus first before continuing on with normal breathing activity again which often leads itself into further complications such as pneumonia if left untreated long enough so make sure you check yourself over thoroughly after any kind of accident involving blunt force trauma!


Cardiology is the study of the heart, and it’s a subject that you’ll cover in your paramedic training. In this section we’ll discuss the basics of cardiology:

  • Cardiac arrest (including types)
  • Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
  • Arrhythmias
  • Cardiac monitoring and medications

Medical Emergencies I

  • Asthma
  • Allergic reaction
  • Diabetic emergency
  • Seizure (including status epilepticus)
  • Stroke/Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
  • Syncope (fainting) and other altered mental status conditions, including: -Altered level of consciousness: Confused or delirious patient, obtunded patient, stuporous patient or comatose patient. -Headache: Mild to severe head pain without neurologic signs or symptoms; usually responds to analgesics. -Head injury with signs of intracranial bleeding: Headache in combination with any other sign of intracranial bleeding like vomiting blood, passing out etc. -Eye injury including eye lacerations and corneal abrasions from trauma that may cause additional damage if not treated immediately. -Ear Nose Throat Injury including nose bleeds and ear canal obstructions that may cause additional damage if not treated immediately

Medical Emergencies II

The second week of medical emergencies focuses on shock. You will learn about the different types of shock, including hypovolemic, neurogenic and cardiogenic. Sepsis is another condition that can cause shock, so we’ll cover septic shock as well. And finally, psychogenic shock is a rare but serious form of trauma that requires immediate first aid attention.

In this section you’ll also learn how to treat each type of shock by learning how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator) and CPR on unconscious patients. This is another important skill set for paramedics because they are often called upon in emergency situations where people may have suffered sudden cardiac arrest or fallen into unconsciousness due to trauma or injury.


You will learn how to treat various types of trauma, including:

  • Gunshot wounds/wound ballistics
  • Penetrating trauma from sharp objects, such as knives and broken glass
  • Blunt force injuries (e.g., being hit by another car)
  • Burns and electrical burns (e.g., people who have been electrocuted)

You’ll also learn how to recognize the signs of shock in patients, as well as how to treat it appropriately.



  • Maternal and fetal physiology
  • Medical and trauma emergencies in pregnant patients
  • Neonatal resuscitation


  • Pediatric emergencies

Pediatrics I

One of the main differences between pediatric and adult patients is that children have a larger volume of distribution. This means that drugs need to be administered in smaller doses for children than for adults. For example, a child who weighs 50 pounds should receive 1mg/kg of medication while an adult weighing 200 pounds needs to receive 10 mg/kg.

Another difference between children and adults is anatomy. As you might expect, there are many differences between the anatomy of a young person versus an older individual. For example, the lungs are smaller in children which can affect their ability to breathe normally; they also have less muscle mass and fat tissue than adults do—this makes them less able to withstand certain types of injuries (like trauma).

Pediatric specific conditions are also different from what you would encounter as an adult paramedic; this could include injuries caused by falls or burns due to scalding hot water.

Pediatrics II

Because of their unique physiological features, pediatric patients are not little adults. The following are some of the ways in which children differ from adults:

  • They have smaller airways and lungs with lower oxygenation.
  • Their bones are softer and more malleable than adult bones, so they’re more prone to fractures as well as growth plate injuries (especially at the distal ends of long bones).
  • Children tend to be shorter than adults, but also have longer torsos and shorter legs—meaning that when it comes to head trauma, kids will often hit the ground with their heads first rather than upper chest or back first. This can result in severe neck injuries for children who fall from high places such as trees or roofs.
  • Neonatal issues should be considered when caring for infants younger than 28 days old (the age at which most newborns transition into becoming full-term babies). In addition to having undeveloped immune systems that make them susceptible to infections like meningitis and pneumonia, neonates may also exhibit jaundice due to being born before their liver has developed fully enough for complete bile production.

Toxicology and EMS Operations

  • Toxicology is the study of poisonous substances. The toxicologist studies what causes these poisons to be harmful and how they can be treated.
  • To treat a patient with a toxicology problem, you need to determine if the person has ingested something poisonous or if they have been exposed to chemicals that are toxic for their bodies. If so, you will need to get them out of their current environment as soon as possible and then treat them using appropriate medical equipment that helps clean out their system from any poisons or chemicals.
  • Common types of poison include: narcotics (drugs such as cocaine, heroin), alcohols (beer), street drugs (marijuana), prescription medication overdoses, household cleaning products/chemicals/paint removers etc., bacterial infections such as salmonella or E-coli food poisoning etc., fungal infections (ringworm) etc., insect bites/stings etc., snake bites/scorpion stings etc..

You will learn a lot in a short amount of time.

You will learn a lot in a short amount of time. It is difficult work and there are many challenges that you will have to overcome, but this is a good thing. It will be a good experience for you and it will prepare you for the future if paramedicine is something that interests you.

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